Example sentences of "it [modal v] [vb infin] in the " in BNC.

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1 This can be a costly solution because it may result in the involvement of staff who must forgo their needed rest period or the employment of nurses from an inappropriate grade .
2 At its most extreme , it may result in the court rewriting the terms of a lease in order to do what is fair and reasonable between the parties in circumstances which they did not foresee at the date of the lease ( Pole Properties Ltd v Feinberg ( 1981 ) 259 EG 417 ) .
3 That may still be prudent if your fish are in the top-quality bracket , but otherwise it may pay in the long run to be looking at 12″ Koi upwards .
4 5.1 The Seller warrants that [ ( except in relation to intellectual property rights of third parties as referred to in Condition 5.3 ) ] the Seller has good title to the goods [ and that ( pursuant to s 12(3) of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 , or s 2(3) of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 , whichever Act applies to the Order ) it will transfer such title as it may have in the goods to the Purchaser pursuant to Condition 5.5 ] .
5 These comments suggest that the test is unlikely to be useful as a screening instrument but , when used in conjunction with other tests or with children who have already been identified as having language difficulties , it may assist in the generation of a balanced assessment of a child 's strengths and weaknesses .
6 It may lie in the subject matter , in the structure and organisation of the text , in the language , in the way meaning is presented , and in the length of the work .
7 Surprising as it may seem in the 1980s , there was great uncertainty both within Japan and outside about how long the boom would last .
8 Since I know from experience that a post is visible from a mile and a half , it should appear in the distance at 61 minutes past eleven . ’
9 They are concerned it should stay in the community , in the house .
10 For that reason , it should remain in the hands of local government .
11 reaffirmed the high landscape value of the appeal site and its determination that it should remain in the Green Belt .
12 by the divisional court and er it was a case where the divisional court er had to er consider what it should do in the interim , the Lord Justice er in the divisional court judgement deals with the interim position at er page twenty five of the transcript , starting at letter F and er going through to er page twenty eight paragraph B and I think it might help my Lord if you could read that passage in the justice latest judgment .
13 and who would take the decision as to whether it should go in the brochure ? on your understanding
14 ‘ It will provide a showcase to business people of all the attributes the industry has in Scotland and how they can be used , while getting a real exchange going as to how it should develop in the future . ’
15 I think erm sexuality begins with sensuality and therefore it should begin in the home , and it should be exaggerated at school , I mean , it should helped but fundamentally it 's with your parents or guardians whoever , who should begin it .
16 Back in 1952 the then Home Secretary , Sir David Maxwell Fyfe , laid down specific guidelines to the Director-General of MI5 as to how it should operate in the future .
17 It must start in the army and party , but in the end the people , and only the people , can decide .
18 It must run in the family , do n't you think ? ’
19 The message is that for true change to happen on earth it must happen in the hearts and minds of the population .
20 The sound was unreal , ethereal ; the music of heaven as it must echo in the airshafts of hell .
21 More remarkable still , in 1907 Pius X instructed Catholics to give assent not only to what the Biblical Commission had already decided , but to all decisions that it might make in the future .
22 Now Potts J. has illuminated the way for the definitive judgment of Phillips J. As they have shown , the plaintiffs claim that each was injured when at birth he or she became a legal person damaged by the prior act of the respective defendants , and that when each such act was done it was reasonably foreseeable that it might result in the plaintiff being born damaged .
23 The airways are clear , but it might lodge in the oesophagus . ’
24 His undergraduates were thus given a sense of the progression of medical knowledge , and of how it might develop in the future .
25 Printed volume , it 'll go in the tabulation one .
26 If I fold it up it 'll fit in the back of the car . ’
27 have you turned them off , have you turned that thing off it 'll cook in the heat that 's on there wo n't it ?
28 Anything happens on the flats , it 'll happen in the daytime .
29 er As you know , it 's been bandied around that there 's the possibility that it could cost in the region of 3 to 3 1/2 million pounds , and obviously that 's down to the rate payer .
30 The Finnish Parliament 's Wilderness Act , which includes plans to log some of the county 's most ancient forests , has come under attack from environmentalists who claim that it could result in the permanent destruction of the wilderness .
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