Example sentences of "it [be] through the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's through the insurance , I know .
2 Maxim said : ‘ Tell the doc it 's through the chest , in at the eighth rib , definite exit wound at the ninth .
3 It 's through the intrepidity of our ancestors that any of us are here at all , but this was an extreme case of decadence .
4 It is through the exchange of women in the alliance of marriage that culture and society are founded .
5 It is through the processes of cultural reproduction , social integration and socialization that the lifeworld is constantly reproduced .
6 Now , as we 've said earlier on the Holy Spirit works in the new birth and it is through the work of the Holy Spirit that we come to know God .
7 And since , in practice , it is through the UK that by far the largest numbers of works of art are imported and exported , it looks at though , in effect , it is going to be Britain that will have to police Italian laws .
8 To put it the other way around , it is through the state appropriation of the language of change and urbanicity that the construction of an opposite which is perceived as unchanging and suburban becomes sustainable .
9 The plain inference is that it is through the operation of the Spirit that these Gentiles have come to repentance .
10 If the bureaucracy is becoming ‘ closed ’ it is through the inheritance of educational advantages .
11 It is the way in which Truth or God impinges on or finds expression in the lives of people and as far as Gandhi is concerned it is through the beliefs and traditions of the Hindu way of life that lie finds himself indissolubly bound to Truth .
12 It is through the London money market that the Bank of England exercises its control of the economy .
13 Thus to a large extent a horse is what it is through the formation of many habits .
14 Notwithstanding Dicey 's curt rejection of the vulgar Whig idea of the ancient constitution , I believe that it is through the influence of this tradition on Dicey that we are able to make sense of his thought .
15 It is through the prompting of the Holy Spirit that the Bible reader gains the mind of Christ , which enables him to apply teaching given centuries ago to contemporary life .
16 Zechariah , after the Return from Babylon , has no doubt that it is through the Spirit of the Lord that God has sent ‘ the law and the words ’ through the prophets ( Zech. 7 : 12 ) .
17 Act Three reveals the deity actually resident within believers , and it is through the Spirit that this takes place .
18 However , as a strategic planning authority , it is through the Structure Plan process that it can influence the protection of natural resources such as peat lands , and the opportunity for this will arise in the current review of the Plan which will be available for public consultation in the New Year .
19 It is through the implementation of this agreed machinery that disciplinary tribunals and the Inns themselves , with the consent of the Lord Chief Justice , are now able to exercise extended powers of control over the professional conduct of barristers , with a wider range of penalties , but subject always , in the case of decisions by tribunals , to a right of appeal to the visitors : see Disciplinary Tribunal Regulations 1990 , regulations 22 and 30 .
20 It is through the generosity of the 11th Duke that the Duke 's Barn Countryside Centre , a marvellous study and conference centre on the Chatsworth estate , was presented to the school in 1986 .
21 It is through the use of animal characters that epic or heroic imagery becomes mock-heroic ; for instance of Chauntecleer , the cock : So too the solemnity of the debate over the significance of dreams , introduced by Chauntecleer with a pompous " " Madame " " and rhetorically conducted by the citation of a battery of learned authorities , becomes a burlesque in the mouth of this proud bird .
22 And one of the ways he does it is through the World Pooh sticks championships he devised and now holds every year .
23 It is through the setting of objectives and the process of resource allocation that control can be exercised on branches of the media and that control remains with the proprietors .
24 It is through the power of his ‘ thoughts ’ that the Piaroa ruwang is their great warrior and hunter , while the physical prowess of the practical hunter is considered to be a minor capability , not one to place much value upon .
25 Only some of the leaves are stripped , however , as it is through the foliage that the vine breathes , and the cultivator must use his skill to decide which leaves to strip .
26 It is through the study of quartered coats , as displayed in cathedrals , county archives and other reference sources that the local historian may glean much information not only on families of note ( should textual information not exist or be imprecise ) , but how tenure and ownership of estates changed hands in days long or recently past .
27 It is through the driving system that the flexibility of program use is obtained .
28 It is through the representation of the ruling class 's interests as the interests of the whole society that any threat to class power is contained ( Marx and Engels 1974 : 64 ) .
29 In the classical version , we are manipulable only through threats or appeals ; in the positivist it is through the alteration of mechanistic causal variables .
30 It is through the conception of historical time as a continuum that the past becomes a coherent object .
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