Example sentences of "it [be] [v-ing] [adv prt] for " in BNC.

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1 But , you know , I mean , if the Uni goes to ten thousand in what what is it , it 's getting up for about ninety five , ninety six ?
2 It 's getting on for an hour since we left Cartier . ’
3 And now ’ — The Fat Controller consulted his watch ; an endomorphic gold Rolex had replaced the full hunter — ‘ it 's getting on for nine-thirty .
4 I 've done it since I was , well it 's getting on for fifteen years now .
5 It 's coming up for midnight , ’ said Shirley , with some relief , pointing at the quartz carriage clock on the mantelpiece .
6 It 's going on for quite some time .
7 Do you know it is , it 's a little tiny but it 's going on for ages and ages .
8 Well if she gets here at quarter past seven and three hours is quarter past ten , and she 's supposed to be at the Penny Farthing at nine o'clock , so you know , I , I do n't feel as though we are you know getting erm our money 's worth from her at the moment , erm also erm she told me in the beginning that this was only go on was going on for about six weeks , well it has now been going on for over eight weeks and she now says that erm she does n't know how longer it 's going on for and I think she is just erm stalling us .
9 The council says that it is speaking up for smokers .
10 In short answers unless it is crying out for a diagram do n't bother because you 'll spend five minutes drawing the diagram , labelling it , explaining what D P and D S means and it just wo n't work it definition , application , measurement problems , contention ,
11 This follows ICL 's successful implementation of a departure control system for airline Cathay Pacific ( CI No 1,842 ) , and the work it is carrying out for the on-line departure system planned for the Channel Tunnel passenger rail services ( CI No 2,016 ) .
12 It is gearing up for its second consecutive presidential election in November , with candidates ranging from far right to soft left , and front-runners representing the centre .
13 It was getting on for ‘ good night ’ time when I fell in with an old lady who complained that the naughty children of Sligo pulled her ivy down and swore at her .
14 Now it was getting on for five o'clock .
15 Then began a remarkable conversation which went on for some time ; it was getting on for five when she left .
16 It was getting on for 5 o'clock and the village were batting .
17 There seemed nothing I could usefully add to whatever Henniker might be doing , and as it was getting on for half past twelve I decided to find a pub and a sandwich .
18 It was getting on for two in the afternoon as she crossed the Rådhuspladsen on her way towards the old part of the town .
19 It was getting on for ten of the storm-lashed grim night clock when the headlights appeared .
20 It was getting on for Tony-Coton-at-Man-City-last-august standards .
21 Soon she was completely absorbed , and when she finally straightened and looked at her watch she was staggered to find it was getting on for six o'clock .
22 By then it was getting on for lunchtime but , sauntering through the colonnade , she could n't resist first climbing a flight of stairs to take a look at some of the splendid Bohemian glassware on display .
23 ‘ I forgot the hour , ’ he added , and when Fabia , glancing at her watch , saw that , incredibly , it was getting on for three , she realised that when Ven was working it must be that he did n't give thought to food .
24 She 'll go up up the path and all I could see was this cat , and it was hanging on for dear life up this big tree and there
25 We wondered , out loud and quite often , what was going on and how long it was going on for , but by the end of May we knew that something was definitely in the wind .
26 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
27 It was coming down for her .
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