Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 He then said that the program would not have been patentable had it been stored on a floppy disk .
2 Not even the same matches with the same results would have engendered anything like the same degree of atmosphere or emotion had it been staged at a neutral venue , which is what the situation would be in most years if the one or two weeks idea was adopted .
3 A crystalline substance is an ordered substance : all the atoms in it are arranged in a regular geometrical pattern ; so when the lava cooled from its original molten condition , the initial homogeneous liquid melt crystallized out to form well-ordered , identifiable minerals .
4 Against the Hegelian synthesis of all kinds of history within the same developmental schema , Bachelard argued that the history of science can not be assimilated into the progressive evolutionary form commonly ascribed to other kinds of human history , and nor can it be mapped on a one-to-one basis against the history of its age .
5 Should it be encapsulated within a nationally agreed document the question of how that content can best be delivered will once more return to plague us .
6 Nor can it be treated as a property of objects of thought .
7 Will it be employed in a classroom situation in which a competent teacher supplies linguistic explanations and moves the student from one topic to the next ?
8 Can it be related to a system with a biological purpose ?
9 The principle is an anti-perfectionist principle but can it be regarded as a principle of neutrality ?
10 Caffeine is the active ingredient of coffee or tea and is a necessary social drug , adding considerably to the overstimulation and agitation of modern man , but in no way can it be regarded as a tonic .
11 Will further funds be withdrawn and the company allowed to fail with loss of jobs , or will it be supported as a ‘ lame-duck ’ reintroducing many of the industrial problems of the UK of the 1970s ?
12 The value of the ethological study of apes , monkeys and baboons is what it tells us about apes , monkeys and baboons ; only in very special circumstances , and in a very tentative way , should it be seen as a metaphorical alternative by means of which we can study man himself , as in a mirror .
13 then you know why should it be seen as a disincentive for them to that and services that had n't been bothered to do that be given money .
14 Should it be seen as a distinct variety in its own right , or is it no different from the " ordinary " language of long-established communities of white Londoners ?
15 We strongly suggest that if this preparation is to be attempted it be done on a small scale and the reaction mixture be checked for unreduced bis(2-azidoethyl)ether before removal of chloroform and distillation of the diamine .
16 Can it be done at a different time ?
17 Can it be done at a different place ?
18 And if it had to be done in the public sector then could it be done by a separate hived-off body or by a department ?
19 Would it be done by a document ?
20 Will it be assessed on a daily basis as the amount of council tax will be ?
21 Nor will it be tied to a fixed programme of auctions .
22 Can it be caught from a lavatory seat ?
23 Would it be set against a Schedule E liability in the year the guarantee was made , or against the Schedule E liability in the year the payment was made ?
24 That 's ninety pounds and we will order it be paid at a rate of five pounds a week .
25 If the building is no longer needed for its original purpose , could it be put to a new use ?
26 Can it be put on a , on a coffee jar ?
27 As the recession deepened [ see below ] , the Hawke government began 1991 some 18 percentage points behind the opposition in opinion polls , raising questions concerning Hawke 's future as leader , particularly as Keating had let it be known at a National Press Club dinner in December that he believed he would make a better Prime Minister than Hawke .
28 If the answer is no , and here this is linked to the question of should the policy include specific guidance for the location of the settlement , and by specific guidance , it implies , should it be allocated to a particular district , then in order to do that , the panel feel that we would have to be in a position of having sufficient information to make an objective and logical decision on that .
29 The question will arise : should a re-investigation be conducted from scratch , avoiding in the first instance the records and materials created by the primary investigation or , alternatively , should it be started as a review of the previous investigation 's record ?
30 If this perception of the nature and causes of the crisis is a correct one — and we think it is — can it be located within a general theoretical framework which is both intellectually respectable and useful ?
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