Example sentences of "it [be] [adj] thing [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It 's one thing to sit in a classroom writing down notes but it 's quite another to come face to face with an armed murderer or a cornered rapist , you mark my words . ’
2 However , we 'll see about that — it 's one thing jumping well in your own gym , but it 's another one altogether doing it in a stadium — in a championship — with thousands of people looking at you .
3 Now it 's one thing to say well , you know , perhaps these are women who take more exception than other women would do , but there comes a point where you have to accept , I think , that there 's going to be a shift of perspective , that what women have customarily put up with is no longer what they wish to put up and that I think we ought to be , as it were , acknowledged to have the right or the scope to say we want things to change , and to define or to set out in a process of defining what should be sexual appropriate sexual behaviour in future .
4 But it 's one thing to foresee , say , which horse is going to win the Derby .
5 It 's one thing to leave your children with a couple you know and trust , but quite another to have a man you only know through a babysitting circle look after your children for an evening .
6 It 's one thing to take along another veterinary surgeon and quite another to be always accompanied by a nurse , however attractive .
7 It 's one thing to have an assistant , another to feel one is being taken over .
8 It 's one thing to have brain-dead clerks amplified to efficiency .
9 I mean it 's one thing letting the committee know for their records or something .
10 It 's , it 's one thing legislating , it 's a completely different ball game when you are , erm , trying to enfor enforce it , and especially when you 're trying to enforce it with ingredients imported from abroad .
11 I think that the computer presents exactly that challenge and amongst the sorts of things I 'm thinking of is that erm it 's one thing to play with a computer toy , a game of some sort — we 've all seen them in the bar and elsewhere — it 's another thing entirely to devise your own game , to program your own rules in and then to bring your friend along and have them challenge it .
12 It 's one thing to possess great technical ability and knowledge , and quite another to actually play a song with conviction and emotion !
13 ‘ Let me warn you , my boy — it 's one thing to look like a donkey , but much easier to act like one . ’
14 I mean , it 's one thing running along the road before breakfast when you 're twenty is n't it ?
15 It 's not chicken and egg it 's two things interacting , that 's how history actually operates .
16 Basically it 's two things coming together and becoming more than their whole , you 've got two things two people working together producing more than what two people can produce it 's the relationship that produces that extra little bit more .
17 oh Barbados , but we have to seen if their teletext if they let us do , but I 've just talked to Jamaican people and they said their , their friend he got some contact wanting some order , then later on this lady says no it 's best thing to do go
18 You must n't think every time you 're tired or ca n't sleep that it 's this thing starting up again .
19 It is one thing to draw money from the public in terms of council tax and it 's another thing to spend it in the way you intend to do it .
20 ‘ One can have a great concern for the people of Ethiopia , bit it 's another thing to inflict daily torture on the people of England .
21 But it is one thing to thumb your nose at Mr Gorbachev over the Kremlin wall , as many thousands did in a demonstration in Moscow last weekend .
22 It is one thing to declare confidently that causal chains exist in the world out there .
23 It is one thing to ditch protégés-turned-scoundrels , such as Zaire 's dictator , Mobutu Sese Seko , or Jonas Savimbi of Angola 's UNITA rebels .
24 This formal writing-up took nearly twenty years : it is one thing to collect data , and another to evaluate it and make it into public knowledge .
25 But it is one thing to document the diversity in local authority expenditure and political activity ; it is another to account for its origins and maintenance .
26 It is one thing to mistake and misrepresent Jesus , clothed in all his humility as Son of Man ; it is one thing to misread his parabolic teaching , coming as it does in riddles .
27 It is one thing to move out — not to be able to move back in because one 's place has been usurped is quite another .
28 For it is one thing to deny the significance Marx attaches to alienation as the prime impulse to class struggle ; and quite another to identify it , cleaned of its Hegelian war-paint , as we have identified it already : as the abstraction of one 's working life from a life of one 's own .
29 At this point Callinicos has to be careful : it is one thing to dismiss the claims of a rootless postmodernism , wandering naked except for its designer trainers across the face of a barren late capitalism .
30 But of course it is one thing to argue for change , and to explain ( as preceding pages have tried to do ) the readiness and degree of involvement of para.professional colleagues and groups ; it is quite another to analyse in helpful detail the types of learning systems and units that might be relevant , and their implications in terms of planning and organized provision .
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