Example sentences of "it [adv] [prep] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Both men said it together in the same explosive voice and Maggie was n't sure which one to look at .
2 We still celebrate it much in the same pagan tradition with a heavy indulgence , in gift giving and illuminating Christmas trees in an imitative magic to help the Sun regain its strength .
3 For non-PEPs , Gartmore will credit the trust purchase as soon as the share price is known , while M&G and Save & Prosper will normally put it through on the same or the next business day .
4 I righted the wheelbarrow with effort , turned it round , and pulled it backwards up the same yard , but no further .
5 While Jimmy stood at the reception desk counter , both arms spread out on it backwards in the same pose that he had adopted at the bar counter earlier that evening , Duvall simply stood two feet by his side , watching him .
6 I rinsed it off with wet tissue , dried it off with the same soft wipes , and it came up like new .
7 You might need it later in the same flight ; if it is n't there , you ca n't use it .
8 At that point we could still take water from the aquifer , but we would have to pump it out in the same way as we would from an unconfined aquifer .
9 It 's merely that if there 's more than 50 of them feeling it simultaneously on the same summit then I 'd rather be somewhere else .
10 Second , the affection for medievalism is literary before it is architectural , and architects themselves invariably refer it back to the same lines from Milton 's Il Penseroso ( c.1631 ) :
11 I returned the amp for repair but the company sent it back with the same fault as before .
12 Yes , we heard of it even on the same day .
13 Mr McTavish forbore to mention that he had n't made it quite to the same standard as his host but was obviously pleased to be included in the generalization .
14 On the second day after she first saw the white gleam she saw it again in the same place .
15 But surely Mr Donson , E two , and I use your phrase , E two land does n't carry with it anywhere near the same degree of status er as A O N B or triple S I
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