Example sentences of "it [adj] for [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now , however , the unfortunate residents of Mer have learned that their village is to be the site of a huge new quarry which would clearly make it unsuitable for exploitation as a centre of tourism .
2 The sides are made of contrastingly coloured elasticated nylon with no foam fitted , the lack of kidney protection making it unsuitable for use in canoe polo .
3 The huge proportions of the main rooms made it unsuitable for conversion into houses , as did the flat-roofed additions — albeit designed with some care .
4 This means that the congregation is not hearing several messages at once but one at a time ; and it also makes it possible for members of the congregation to challenge and encourage one another to be obedient .
5 The pope 's ardent desire for clarification and decision made it possible for judges to be used who were not always the bishops , in close contact with Rome , but abbots and other ecclesiastical officials .
6 Extrinsic signals representing the inner symbols are what make it possible for groups of humans to share a meaningful world .
7 Indeed , the attendance allowance system has made it possible for councillors from a broader social range to serve on local authorities but this is far removed from receiving a salary .
8 The formal definition of these classes in the SGML syntax used to express the TEI scheme makes it possible for users of the scheme to extend it in a simple and controlled way : new elements may be added into existing classes , and existing elements renamed or undefined , without any need for extensive revision of the TEI document type definitions — though this is perhaps a benefit which only those who have ever tried to modify an existing dtd by hand will truly appreciate .
9 Such packages , when opened , are found to contain many different ingredients of different size and weight which together make it possible for life to be lived at home with a tolerable degree of safety and comfort .
10 It would help to reduce the caseload and so permit the conditions of the Patient 's Charter to be met and would make it possible for consultants to be more involved in the routine care of patients , both emergency and elective , and so diminish the responsibilities of junior doctors for service commitment .
11 the historical biography of the relationship between carer and cared for : how far was it possible for people with a long history on one particular level to relate to each other on a level of physical intimacy , faced with the disgust that caring often demands .
12 to save time : organisations make it possible for objectives to be reached in a shorter time .
13 Is it possible for feminists to be Christians , when Christ is a male figure ?
14 This makes it possible for governments of all political persuasions to argue in favour of this policy .
15 Also , in 1974 , an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt .
16 We believe it is important that we participate fully in all these discussions as we think we have an important contribution to make from the substantial experience that we have , and I do not think you would find it acceptable for JARs to be binding on UK industry without us being in on every stage of their development .
17 It makes it easier for businesses to management their expenses , whereas cash is often difficult to account for .
18 Since 1975 a number of sector-specific EC Directives have made it easier for professionals to practice elsewhere in the Community .
19 It might make it easier for girls at the foreclosure stage to accept science so recruitment might increase .
20 The hearing was held in Dumbarton instead of Campbeltown to make it easier for relatives from England to attend .
21 The Young Minds Information Service was launched last week , aiming to make it easier for families with troubled children or adolescents to gain access to counselling and other professional help .
22 The bill made it easier for victims of unintentional discrimination — those affected by employment practices which were superficially neutral but had a disproportionate impact on minorities — to win job discrimination lawsuits against their employers .
23 Inclusion of the Adobe Type manager and Type 1 fonts allows for the use of existing Adobe fonts from DOS disks , and makes it easier for developers to port over applications from Windows , OS/2 and Mac 's .
24 The effects of the international division of labour should make it easier for workers in these countries to discard their role of real or supposed world labour aristocracy and recognise that their fate on the world labour market is inseparably linked with that of their fellow workers in the underdeveloped countries .
25 A free telephone help line makes it easier for people in Lincolnshire to get benefit advice or information .
26 We also need a base further north to make it easier for people in that region to get to us .
27 It has made it easier for participants in training courses to understand the concept of oppression , to recognize oppressive attitudes and behaviour , and to identify oppressions which may be new to them : heterosexism is often a new concept to heterosexuals .
28 Presumably this will make it easier for voters in the Tory heartlands to shop abroad and avoid duty , though it may not do much for the Conservative vote in Kent .
29 Microsoft is now trying to market Windows as a stepping stone to OS/2 , by making it easy for users of Windows and writers of programs for Windows to migrate to OS/2 eventually .
30 DEC , which will ‘ make it easy for users of dead end systems to move to Alpha , ’ says it is still committed to delivering RISC/Ultrix systems based upon the MIPS Technologies Inc R4000 processor next year .
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