Example sentences of "it [adj] [verb] [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But was it right to argue that British banking suffers from overcapacity ?
2 Is it sensible to consider that this natural intelligence or healing power would produce a situation that was without a purpose , for which no reason existed and which was harmful to the person when considered as a whole ?
3 Those who have it will be better at forming relationships of all sorts because they do not find it impossible to believe that other people could actually respect them and care for them .
4 The complexity of modern European economies makes it impossible to believe that rural community self-sufficiency can be achieved in isolation from urban and industrial economy .
5 If we had n't heard so much about him from Robert , we 'd find it impossible to imagine that this bloke was anything but the most upright of citizens . ’
6 I find it impossible to accept that this was Parliament 's intention .
7 But I find it hard to accept that all our land should be so buttoned up , and that we should allow ourselves the arrogant and indulgent belief — against every lesson in history — that we can run things better than nature .
8 They have found it hard to believe that 100 shares bought in 1973 for £145 are now worth nearly £7,900 .
9 I find it hard to believe that all you need is a big faith for mountains to be moved .
10 But they should know that anyway , or I made that point yesterday , so er th the point they quoted was that erm erm rang up the team and got told no you 've got ta put it on a fax , find it hard to believe that that was if that was the manager on the phone but it 's just important that the people on the team know who the senior managers are .
11 I sincerely hope that it has been picked up by accident and that I will be re-united with it soon , as I find it hard to believe that such an incident could lead to its deliberate theft .
12 I find it hard to believe that such a plain omission was not deliberate , but here maybe is a matter for consideration by Lautro , S.I.B .
13 Looking back afterwards , Florrie found it hard to believe that such a tragedy could have arisen from such trivial , everyday circumstances .
14 She found it hard to believe that such a thing had happened , and tears came to her eyes .
15 In the letter it said , ‘ I still find it hard to believe that such an order could be processed at such rate and standard .
16 I find it hard to believe that this amount would be likely to deter someone from participating in a tournament .
17 Kate still found it hard to believe that this single-minded , dedicated , successful career man could be so uncertain of himself .
18 She still found it hard to believe that any British ship could be in danger so near to home ; even when Jock had explained that unless a submarine was in water deep enough in which to dive , an escort was essential .
19 They thought it unsatisfactory to say that moral qualities are distinguished by sense or feeling rather than by reason .
20 Perhaps they just find it comforting to think that this one earthly life is not the beginning and end of it all .
21 Nowhere in Thucydides ' account is it safe to think that this expression includes the Spartans , and in the operations in the Megarid the Corinthians , and only the Corinthians , are mentioned by name on the Peloponnesian side .
22 As it is now the middle of October , I do not think it unreasonable to request that some action be taken in this matter as soon as possible .
23 If a third of the adult population viewed reading with so little enthusiasm , was it any wonder that many children were doubtful as to its worth ?
24 Is it any wonder that more and more women resort to wearing jeans and anoraks ?
25 If society has no use for old people , is it any wonder that older people feel that their lives are without meaning ?
26 If society generally under-values old age , is it any wonder that old people do not experience a sense of personal worth ?
27 Is n't it fair to say that that in itself does not justify greenbelt designation , what is important is if the site forms part of the countryside and makes a contribution to it ?
28 Finally , as we have shown earlier , what is defined as criminal varies across time and place , thus making it difficult to argue that in-built differences between the sexes can explain what is a variable phenomena .
29 From the 1570s onwards , even in the conservative south-west of the country , statements by testators which indicate a belief in solafidianism appeared regularly in the preambles of large numbers of wills , although the comments which the same testators made when leaving bequests to charities suggest that many still found it difficult to appreciate that good works could play absolutely no part in their salvation .
30 Yet , somehow , because the mind of another creature is such alien territory to us , we find it difficult to accept that such mental activity and subjective sensory awareness , really is going on .
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