Example sentences of "it [adj] [verb] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How is it possible to exploit coral reefs for tourism , for example , but also use them as a food source ?
2 The rate of accumulation of biomass or NPP is expressed as weight of living matter/unit area/ unit time and recent work by the International Biological Programme ( IBP ) has provided more accurate estimates of NPP on a world scale for both continents and oceans , and this makes it possible to rank biome types according to NPP or present processes .
3 Being able to integrate such datasets digitally has made it possible to generate prospectivity maps in a study of carbonate-hosted buried mineral deposits in the north of England .
4 The second edition of Introduction to High Energy Physics by D. H. Perkins requires considerable initial knowledge of quantum theory , but this does make it possible to use Feynmann diagrams immediately .
5 Very high levels of compression like this make it possible to transmit image data over ordinary dial-up , digital telephone lines rather than expensive , special broadband lines .
6 VenturCom Inc 's real-time E-Venix/386 Unix operating system will now support X-Windows , claimed to be a first for an embedded operating system : the company has made it possible to embed Network File System on a diskless single-board computer via the E-NFS facility .
7 Can I buy an off the shelf loom ; which side of the engine do I mount an alternator as I would like to raise it above the dynamo position which is too near any deep water ; is it possible to fit halogen headlamps .
8 In this document the case for the nationalisation of key industries was argued on practical grounds in each instance : thus ‘ public ownership of the fuel and power industries ’ would ‘ bring great economies in operation and make it possible to modernise production methods and to raise safety standards ’ ; ‘ public ownership of inland transport ’ would mean ‘ co-ordination of transport services by rail , road and canal ’ ; and the iron and steel industry would become efficient ‘ only if public ownership replaces private monopoly ’ .
9 This will reduce the variability of timings due to chance variations in overlap , and so make it possible to calculate run timings more accurately .
10 Is it possible to buy coconut ice-cream anywhere in the UK ?
11 Is it possible to organise state schools on the basis of a curriculum which is built around the age , aptitude and abilities of individual children ?
12 Is it possible to change school science in this fashion and still preserve the essential character of science itself ?
13 Yeah the question was , Is it possible to store CAD information on the database ?
14 Individuals have different preferences of course , but a full-length zip makes it easier to regulate body temperature .
15 In some cases the development officer found it easier to substitute support workers for a home help .
16 After a few highly publicised cases such as Britain 's thalidomide scandal in the 1960s , product-liability laws were strengthened everywhere to make it easier to sue drug companies .
17 It is not essential for simple recording , but it does make it easier to record teacher/student interaction as it happens .
18 Since then we 've heard of the BKKS Northern Section 's organisation of the UK 's ‘ first ever ’ winter show on November 14 , when the Section claims ‘ Cooler temperatures at this time of the year make it easier to maintain water quality .
19 Smaller units , particularly individuals in their own homes , make it easier to avoid labour legislation .
20 One group of pirates has made a small add-on circuit board which makes it easier to copy ROM cartridges .
21 Freight , already profitable , should boom as ( a ) road congestion rises ; ( b ) the opening of the Channel tunnel cuts the cost of trans-Europe rail trips ; and ( c ) new technology makes it easier to switch piggy-back trailers between lorries and trains .
22 For a start , Mr Badillo 's presence in the campaign will make it tougher to paint Mr Giuliani as a white politician opposed to the interests of ethnic minorities .
23 Is it appropriate to include core skills ?
24 Chairman er in his remarks a bit earlier on Professor said that he did not think it was appropriate to give executive power to the director of education I wrote your words down at the time he did not think it appropriate to give executive power to the director of education and he said , despite Mr 's clarification you want to move a bit nearer if you 're going to be his minder Mr that in fact he did n't
25 Sir Leicester may think it appropriate to keep Mr Rouncewell waiting , ‘ opposing his repose and that of Chesney Wold to the restless flight of ironmasters ’ , but it is his housekeeper 's son who now wields the moral authority , for he has come to remove his future daughter-in-law , the lady 's maid Rosa , from Lady Dedlock 's charge because he thinks that position is unsuitable .
26 Its physical manoeuvrability makes it easy to demonstrate syllable structure or to emphasise tricky bits .
27 This in turn makes it easy to move light fittings around : many low-voltage lights are mounted on spikes with this in mind .
28 Some kinds of long-term memory seem to endure indefinitely even though they have apparently been lost for a long time , e.g. an older person may find it easy to recall childhood events with great clarity even though there has been no use of the material for fifty or sixty years .
29 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
30 Anyone who is antibody positive will find it impossible to get life assurance , should they apply for it .
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