Example sentences of "you will have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You will have been alerted , during the weekend , to the serious situation which has arisen again in Cleveland .
2 It should be sent ( or preferably taken ) as soon as possible , together with the free death certificate ( Form BD8 ) which you will have been given by the Registrar of Births and Deaths , to the local Social Security Office , and as in most cases there is an entitlement to a National Insurance death grant , application can be made for this at the same time .
3 YOUR TASK : often you will have been given an explicit purpose for making notes at the outset .
4 You will have been given a time at which to expect clearance to leave the hold — this could be either EAT or OCT .
5 If you live outside reasonable travelling distance of the campus , you will have been sent details concerning accommodation at the time of confirmation of your place at the University .
6 You must be an assessor of the DC to register your decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
7 No special LIFESPAN privileges are required to use this option but you must be an assessor of the DC to register a decision ( you will have been sent a mail message asking you to assess the DC ) .
8 If you have been in any of the following situations , you will have been credited with contributions ( instead of having to pay them ) :
9 You will have been protected hopefully from birth , or shortly after birth , by the tetanus vaccine , which will have caused you to produce antibodies against it .
10 If you are self-employed you will have been paving a flat-rate Class 2 contribution every week and possibly the earnings-related Class 4 contributions as well .
11 With a planned hospital stay you will have been told to prepare for the operation as best as you can , perhaps by losing some weight , discontinuing any medication that you may be taking , or attempting to stop smoking .
12 You will have been told that 93% — or whatever — of British women are on a diet at any one time , but that , as a nation , we are still getting fatter .
13 You can hardly believe that a few stretchsuits and some nappies can possibly cost as much as they say , but nine months and a lot of shopping trips later , you will have been forced to accept that your new addition has managed to tip the scales severely in the debit direction .
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