Example sentences of "you know [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I it 's got to be you know somebody within the organization .
2 people are coming to do some Christian teaching for us , you know somebody from the
3 You ca n't kno , you know nothing about the Kingdom of God .
4 You know nothing of the sort .
5 ‘ Now you know nothing of the sort . ’
6 But how can difficulties be assisted or cleared out of the way if , when attending the lecture , you know nothing of the topic discussed ?
7 You know nothing of the world in which you have come to live , and I should have warned you about Rose , only I did not know that you were going out with her until after you had gone , and then , of course , it was too late . ’
8 You know nothing of the running of the place — nor are you likely to be even remotely interested . ’
9 ‘ But I do deny it and you know nothing of the sort ! ’
10 That as compared with the one you can put in that you know one at the top one at the side and .
11 Perhaps you know them over the garden wall to speak to you , you might even know their children by name and you know their christian name , but beyond that I think it 's true to say , even making allowance of generation gaps that you do n't know your neighbours in the same way that you knew your neighbours in London .
12 And she rang me this morning for , well er it was so comical cos Gemma had said to me yesterday you know what about the holiday and I said sure that does n't have to be paid till the end of the month and erm you sure before we go into this ?
13 Erm a lot of the stuff , you know a lot of my clothes , I always make myself anyway , but I you know what on the market then .
14 Give me my morning 's gentle stroll down to the corner paper shop , my afternoon 's lazy snooker match at the village club with a glass of you know what on the side-table , and my evening 's friendly ( is there any such thing ? ) solo or bridge games .
15 Try and get a dual flight on the airfield so that at least you know something about the airfield and its surrounds .
16 If you know something about the deeper inner workings of computers then you can make use of this fact to guess what sort of things might cause a program some difficulties .
17 Now whether in fact the church meeting would come to a different conclusion from us I 've no means of knowing but probably not because most of you know something about the church that you 're working with .
18 ‘ We have reason to believe that you recently broke into Taigh na Tuir , the house belonging to Mr Hamilton here , and that you know something of the whereabouts of two valuable guns . ’
19 He thought you know it in the film it was him !
20 ‘ If you know anything about the history of art , you 'll know that the real process of evaluation goes on after things have stopped .
21 Erm , er , if you , if you know anything about the kind of thing that actually goes on er , it 's nothing like the it 's supposed to be .
22 And I would like to ask and if you know anything about the the topography of Harrogate , the second er most attractive feature of this town after the Nidd Gorge is in fact .
23 Erm , the other thing is , if you know anything about the subject , which most amanuensists should do , you actually start filling in the gaps .
24 If you know anything about the robbery , please help us . ’
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