Example sentences of "you have no [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 As that com they c them coming like the they did , you 'd no time to .
2 ‘ Mother , you 've no reason to — ’
3 ‘ Your reluctance does you credit , but you 've no need to be afraid .
4 ‘ What the fucking hell are you doin stealing books for money when you 've no need to , eh ?
5 You 've no need to
6 mm , mm in any event members of the jury I , I forgot to mention to you earlier , er , thank you Mr you probably feel a wisdom of this having done several days of this case , two and a half hours is just about as long as anybody can be expected to sit and listen to evidence and er , what I was going to do , and I hope it does n't inconvenience anybody , I was going , instead of going on for three hours till one o'clock , I was gon na break off about half past twelve to about half past one , to break up the day as you know , I hope that 's alright , so what we 'll do we 'll go on now and , and I 'm sure , I think it 's doubtful if you would have got to that point by half past twelve , and then you and Lord sort it out and your learned duties as much as you can in the adjournment and then tell me afterwards what the brochure position is , I 'm sure you 've no objection to disclosing any brochures that you 've got that erm , or can get er which relate to that point
7 You 've no right to it , thieving hounds . ’
8 ‘ I did n't steal anything from you , and what you lost , you had no right to in the first place . ’
9 You had no right to be ashamed of me , and I knew that all along , remember , even if you 've only just discovered it , so I did n't see why I should pander to your wish to keep our affair a secret , ’ she confessed defiantly .
10 You had no right to — to kiss me . ’
11 ‘ And the scriptural quotations from Genesis and the Book of the Apocalypse , you have no clue to their meaning ? ’
12 You have no obligation to be healthy . ’
13 I take it you have no objection to dining with your father on his first night out of hospital ? ’
14 You have no right to be here .
15 You have no right to — ’
16 ‘ I 'm not trying for a wedding-ring or anything else ; I 'll put it down to experience , so you have no need to be afraid of my intentions , or to reproach yourself . ’
17 You have no need to be anxious , you know .
18 ‘ Darling , you have no need to be jealous of him . ’
19 You have no need to be , ’ Ven assured her .
20 ‘ Forgive me , my love , but you have no reason to be angry with Nan Ho .
21 ‘ Well , you 're very sad , Tess , and you have no reason to be .
22 You have no reason to be so suspicious of me , ’ she said quietly .
23 You have no reason to be .
24 If you need to teach people or compel them in some other way to repress their natural demand for acknowledgement as rational , competent , authoritative human beings then you have no answer to the charge of some malefaction between bad faith and dreadful wickedness .
25 for example , you are lucky enough to have a holiday abroad for two or three weeks but you have no access to scales and you also eat out all the time .
26 This section discusses these pensions , how they can be increased by additional voluntary contributions , how you can build up a pension if you have no access to an employer 's scheme and how divorce affects your right to your ex-husband 's pension .
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