Example sentences of "you [vb base] [adv] at the " in BNC.

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1 The signals you put across at the job interview can flag your future ambitions .
2 If you look closely at the situation and try to understand why it happened , you will be able to adopt an objective approach that stops you feeling anguish , prevents you from feeling a failure .
3 Because if you look closely at the background of every scene , you 'll see Dennis .
4 If you look closely at the Fowlers ’ five ‘ prefers ’ , you will find that they are trying to guide you away from fancy writing .
5 Methinks that the Dolls were n't the ‘ damp-squib ’ that Nick Kent would have led us to believe , because if you look closely at the increasing number of British ‘ punk ’ bands emerging by the shipload , you will see in each one , a little bit of the Dolls .
6 If you look closely at the facades of these adjoining buildings you 'll see fine stone carvings of animals , vegetables and fruit .
7 And er if you look also at the way that the stones fit together they 're ve they fit together very neatly on the aisle where by the small window whereas the central part of the church there 's much more mortar between the joints .
8 Er particularly if you look just at the ordinary wall fronts the front wall the stones are very much more heavily eroded there than they are on this this the aisle here .
9 When you 're inside there if you look right at the far end you 'll see one of the old windows , a beautiful old window that 's five hundred years old .
10 If you look carefully at the pictures , you will see each of the four children more than once , but they do n't all appear in all the pictures .
11 If you look carefully at the connector body you will see a triangle or other marker indicating pin 1 .
12 If you look carefully at the illustration you should be able to see the command that started QBasic and just below it the message Hello World .
13 Confronting and accepting the reason for the tension is often the best way of dealing with it , since if you look logically at the cause it is often not as bad as the imagination would suggest .
14 Where you look please at the word retinue which is figure two it means ritardando a bit slower .
15 You know right at the end he had those very gorgeous of his ?
16 Er which is the case unfortunately in er some instances with animals , but it 's been as you know perhaps at the R S P C A shelter just down the road there at er , but it 's gone now to a happy home in Derbyshire .
17 ‘ Gabriel , when it comes to escorting the good folk up to Heaven , you point straight at the old dame .
18 ( d ) Memorial ( where you turn right at the ornamental garden ) to one of the Water Board 's founders , 1904 .
19 Shoot the next rack on the left also ; watch out for the sharp rocks as you turn right at the bottom .
20 You turn left at the end of the drive , ’ he prompted slyly .
21 " Perhaps it is most convenient to imagine you are doing all that you do here at the behest of some distant ogre . "
22 Remember that if you return home at the end of the session with the work you planned to do uncompleted you can not expect to return the next day or the next week to find the situation exactly as you left it .
23 You notice right at the top of the column of that particular page , er when it 's highlighting that er that history .
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