Example sentences of "you [coord] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He waved goodbye , saying thank you and disappeared around the corner .
2 Maybe it 's partly due to that air of arrogant hauteur you have , but I find it quite unbearably exciting to look at you and know of the passion that 's lurking underneath .
3 You know what it 's like to bear a child and bring him up and see him leave you and go to the other side of the world , knowing you 'll not see him again ?
4 Then they stick the needle in you and pull on the blood and it 's disgusting !
5 " King Darzin , " he sniffled , " that wicked thief El-ahrairah , has said he will steal your lettuces and he is coming to trick you and get into the garden . "
6 The disciplinary rules applicable to you and agreed by the Council will be found in the documents referred to in paragraph 3 above .
7 Most , but not all , building societies have their own printed form of notice , which is always served in duplicate , so that one copy can be receipted and returned to you and lodged with the title deeds , which are ultimately sent back to the lender .
8 I ask you , hundreds of miles from bloody anywhere and the Coke reps have been there before you and shat on the landscape .
9 She hoped she was n't turning into one of those maniacs who murder people in order to establish their superiority over their fellows who say Please and Thank you and conform to the basic customs of society .
10 " But I have no wish to bring dishonour on you or your family , and am quite prepared to hand him back to you and forget about the whole matter — on one condition. ;
11 It was quite a new idea over here , you did n't do your washing at home but brought it out to these machines , and the courteous manager greeted you and put in the soap powder for you , and had the clothes all ready for you when you came back , but was n't alas , as it turned out , much of a hand at doing the accounts .
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