Example sentences of "you [vb infin] say [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Do you want to say something to him ?
2 David , do you want to say anything about the U S ?
3 Okay , erm , do you want to say anything about this ?
4 Erm , do you want to say anything about , anyone else want to say anything about page one ?
5 Richard , do you want to say anything about yours ?
6 Er , Marlene , er do you want to say anything about your ?
7 I would say something along the lines of you 've had several , talking about several ways of energy production , but once you start talking about energy transfer and storage one seems to get to electricity fairly quickly and do you want to say anything about that ?
8 Did you want to say anything on the main motion now er thank you .
9 So Katherine , do you want to say anything on the report at this stage ?
10 Mr , do you want to say anything at this stage ?
11 my Prince Charles impression , do n't you dare say anything to Ben about it
12 Erm during the executive erm Mary raised a point from the joint planning team about the erm charter and the remarks made by Dr. on that , would you like to say something on that Mary ? because we want to take some action .
13 If the silence lasts too long for you to feel comfortable , repeat the last thing the person just said or say , ‘ I 'm not sure how to read your silence ’ or ‘ Looks like you 're having some interesting thoughts -would you like to say anything about them ? ’
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