Example sentences of "you [to-vb] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I want you to drive to the Stapletons ’ house and then send the driver away .
2 He was dying and implored you to agree to the match because he and Horatia 's father were such old friends .
3 He began , ‘ You have been in the House fifteen years and it 's time you were promoted … and I now want you to go to the Board of Education .
4 For instance , if you say , ‘ Donna , if you do not think first , but lash out at your sister , I will not allow you to go to the fairground with me ’ , her resolve to think first and desist from hitting out will be strengthened .
5 So Sullivan asked , " Your Majesty , would you like me to seek an invitation for you to go to the United States. ? "
6 One last thing : I forbid you to go to the woods again .
7 ‘ I did n't ask you to strip to the skin . ’
8 A few months ago I asked you to write to the magazine with your queries about Silver machines , and suggestions for the subjects you 'd like me to write about .
9 If you 'll be Confirmed in Faith I 'll never ask you to come to the church again .
10 I would like you to come to the Incident Room on the Wharf later today . ’
11 ‘ That is precisely why I did n't want you to come to the hospital .
12 Why , why do I ask you to come to the marathon ?
13 It is arguable that the reader may actually be confused rather than helped by the deviation from convention , precisely because she or he is expecting you to conform to the rules of punctuation .
14 The meeting was chaired by Betty Sinclair , who reminded the supporters that their objective was to demonstrate for civil rights , for jobs and for houses : ‘ We are asking you to listen to the speakers , and what we have done today will go down in history and in this way we will be more effective in showing the world that we are a peaceful people asking for our civil rights in an orderly manner . '
15 ‘ I told you to keep to the centre of the track . ’
16 These usually run sponsorship schemes that enable you to contribute to the cost of the up keep of the pony of your choice .
17 ‘ It ends at eight , plenty of time for you to get to the airport . ’
18 Well , Mrs Brown , was it difficult for you to get to the toilet yesterday ?
19 If it is difficult for you to get to the post office , the coloured pages in the book explain how someone else can draw the payment for you .
20 If nothing is readily available you find yourself trying to thaw out the cheesecake from the bottom of the freezer ( nobody will miss it , will they ? ) , or working out how long it will take you to get to the shops and back with a bag-full of goodies .
21 The product is needed because Tuxedo is so hard to programme , and interfaces have previously had to be written using C. Accell/TP allows you to get to the functionality of Tuxedo using procedure calls .
22 This was the reason I asked you to return to the house of your childhood : because the places we have loved — or hated — as children remain in the mind as almost a structuring force .
23 The university has an abundance of clubs which will enable you to take to the hills in good company .
24 It 's much easier for me to centralise all requests , arrange the shipping — or , in this case , give them to you to take to the island .
25 What kind of citizens charter is introduced on the back of denying you the right to even challenge the people who are providing the services , or could restrict the right of your family to be together , or the right for you to travel to the country where you 've been living ?
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