Example sentences of "you [to-vb] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So I 'd like you to drive me in the pony and trap , just till I know where people live . ’
2 Now look at that I want you to see them in the bath , they enjoy themselves like children .
3 What that exhibition in fact is doing is that it 's not saying here 's a new spirit in painting , it 's saying that we the organizers , having not bothered to show you these things in the sixties and seventies , will now allow you to see them in the eighties , and we will pretend there 's a new spirit because we think it 's good for the art world to have new fashions , new movements , or at least something new going on that will produce some kind of emotional pressure .
4 They are not prescriptive and it is open to you to implement them in the way that best suits your firm .
5 ‘ I thought my secretary told you to meet me at the house in Edinburgh ?
6 It is not necessary for you to meet him at the moment — in fact , he is not here right at this moment — but you may use the telephone .
7 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
8 In accordance with Section 29 of the Companies Act 1982 we require you to provide us with the names and addresses of the partners in your business .
9 Specially commissioned by The Tea Council , Teapot 2000 has a unique design that allows you to brew it to the exact strength you like , from the first cup to the last .
10 ‘ I really can not expect you to accept me after the way in which I have behaved , and then was wicked enough to read your private book , and the cuttings are there , I knew that you would want them back , and I expect that you will wish to make a career in journalism , and why accept a poor doctor , no need to do that , you can always live on your father 's allowance and what a remarkable man he is , so like you , or earn your living by your pen … ’
11 The Undo command gives you a second chance when you delete a block of text in error by allowing you to replace it in the document exactly where it came from .
12 ‘ We like you to open it on the spot , just in case there 's a query . ’
13 Even if you do n't want to go back to your ex-wife , counselling may help you to free yourself from the past .
14 ‘ Yes , and I wanted you to help me with the lumbar puncture .
15 ‘ Did his general condition lead you to expect something of the sort ? ’
16 The mirror image of a helix is a precise replica of it except that no amount of turning will allow you to superimpose one on the other .
17 " We were going to ask you to fix it in the pot so it 'll stand up , " I said quickly .
18 Yo , your mum told you to do it in the nude ?
19 Now you 'll then have to look and see if they tell you to give it to the nearest metre or the nearest maybe the nearest maybe the nearest point one of a metre or three significant figures or three decimal places .
20 It is up to you to put them in the mood you want .
21 And I will actually draw or paint a word picture for you to put you in the scene .
22 no , what I 'd like you to do is , I want you to put it on the erm , you can take it home later , put it on the windowsill with your plan , do n't lose your plan please put it on the windowsill your plan you need to have your plans with you , now you can start tidying up your mess and
23 No matter , because we 're asking you to project yourself into the very heart of the Swinging Sixties myth — into the lives of the
24 ‘ I want you to phone me on the usual number at eleven , old chum , and do n't fail . ’
25 ‘ But even though they had nothing at the ports , if you offered one of them a bar of chocolate or a pack of cigarettes they would turn it down and tell you to send it to the Front . ’
26 ‘ Now I need to know who paid you or blackmailed you to call me in the weighing room . ’
27 It 's easy for you to have it at the theatre , mhm
28 So these channels sh show significant although not er sig al although not extensive sequence homology with the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor which enables you to place them in the same class of being er a ligand er binding channel .
29 I understand that it would be possible for you to supply us with the manuscripts by the end of August this year .
30 Thank you gentlemen , I will now close the m meeting by asking you to join me in the the erm
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