Example sentences of "you [vb mod] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Wherever you may locate your own particular response , I want in this book to discuss what is involved in giving RE the positive and creative image which it should have by virtue of the importance of its subject-matter , the challenging controversy it can generate , and the depth of feeling to which it can appeal .
2 You may choose your own bathing/washing times and who , if anyone , will help you .
3 Alternatively you may telephone us direct if your wish on 0920 467444 to check availability of your chosen holiday and discuss any specific query you have .
4 For example , you may ignore her persistent whining for attention after one constructive attempt to distract her by suggesting a pleasant and diverting activity ( after all , you re having to see to the baby ) .
5 I will shew you a region flowing with golde , where you may satisfy your ravening appetites .
6 And Herbert , you may think me lucky .
7 Coran Brothers FC have their ground on the outskirts of Watley and as the train goes through the middle of the town you may think it impossible to see any of Linekar Avenue but this is not so .
8 She said at last , ‘ You may think it strange , but I went round with Mr Sheldrake .
9 So if you act for both , search in the name of the mortgagee ; if the mortgagee is separately represented , and you are satisfied that a search has been made , you may think it unnecessary to search too , if you are confident that the mortgagee will lodge the application to register transfer and mortgage promptly .
10 She said ‘ You may think it amusing to look like a communist , George , but I do n't . ’
11 You may visit her this afternoon , Ellen , if you like .
12 On the other hand , you may want something sturdy enough to take a growing baby on frequent weekends away , or to double as a playpen on trips to friends , which will make your investment really worthwhile .
13 Though you may not want the negative situation to arise and though you may do your best to avoid it , once you know what the worst possible outcome would be and that you could cope with it , a great deal of the anxiety is removed .
14 You may change your own password and privileges , and those of your descendants .
15 And if she is to lose the inheritance , you may set it all to my account .
16 You may use your valid national licence or international driving permit but not for more than 1 year from the date of entry into the UK .
17 ‘ And when you need to give her more chloroform , ’ he said , ‘ hand the leg you are holding to Rose — you may take them both on your shoulders if you will , Rose ; it 's important that she does n't regain consciousness during the actual birth . ’
18 ‘ If you are in a situation where you are in immediate fear of your life , you may take whatever defensive measures are necessary , ’ said a senior detective .
19 Liquor can not be sold on the reservation , but you may take your own .
20 You may launch your own sailing dinghy , motor cruiser or canoe ; there are facilities for swimming , water-skiing and sub-aqua diving .
21 If you disagree with the contents of the report or consider it misleading you may ask the doctor to amend it ; if he disagrees , you may add your own written comments .
22 If you disagree with the contents of the report or consider it misleading you may ask the doctor to amend it ; if he disagrees you may add your own written comments .
23 You may recognise your own approach to essay writing in the table showing three approaches to the problem .
24 These services are not just for women , but you may find them useful .
25 These services are not just for women , but you may find them useful .
26 If you overstep the mark , you may find yourself involved in a costly legal fight , with your former employers seeking an injunction or damages or both for breach of contract .
27 Otherwise you may find yourself later , as you sweep along on the actual business of writing , gradually drifting into producing quite another sort of book than the one you set out to write and in consequence disappointing readers ' expectations which at the beginning you had gone to trouble to arouse .
28 And if you 're working on a spreadsheet , you may be working on a spreadsheet during the day , start in the morning , you 're working several hours , you may find yourself running low of memory , then the memory light comes on or you get a memory full up message at some stage , and you think oh that 's not fair , because I have n't made the spreadsheet any bigger .
29 If you do n't , you may find yourself unable to add the subtitles because to do so would entail the loss of too many good shots .
30 As well as asking why you have been selected as a redundancy candidate and , if appropriate , arguing that a fair procedure would result in the selection of one of your colleagues instead , you may find it fruitful to explore the other ways in which the company can achieve the desired savings without putting your job at risk .
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