Example sentences of "you [be] go to [art] " in BNC.

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1 You are to go to the river . ’
2 If you are going to a part of the world which is rife with certain diseases then investigate with your doctor beforehand as to whether you should have vaccinations .
3 There is no need to weigh yourself down with excessive amounts of toiletries unless you are going to a remote area without either chemists or supermarkets .
4 Whilst the output from a LaserWriter or similar PostScript page printer is barely acceptable the image control facility is extremely useful if you are going to a Linotronic typesetter for final output .
5 TELL your friends that you are going to the Cape Verde Islands and , in all probability , their eyes will glaze over for several seconds while they frantically try to recall their long-forgotten school geography .
6 ‘ How often do you seriously think about why you are going to the track , what workout you are going to do and exactly how it is going to help you achieve peak performance on the track just when it counts ?
7 If you are going to the school yourself , you can probably collect quite a lot of this general information by chatting with the teacher and pupils and noting down details of the surroundings .
8 You are going to the place where their bodies were found ? ’
9 ‘ When you are well enough you are going to the Dordogne .
10 A reminder that if you are going to the game , of course if is all tickets , so you must get your tickets from Oxford United before setting off on Tuesday evening .
11 You 're going to a ball dressed like that ? ’
12 The whole of British Isles , right , erm in various sort of settings , different places , you 're going to a school are n't you tomorrow
13 You 're going to a friend 's for a barbecue on a hot summer 's evening , and you 're walking up the drive and you can smell the barbecue sizzling away .
14 Well actually you 're going to a centre are n't you er in where there will be evening classes and that sort of opportunity ?
15 They were the sorts of contacts that you have when you 're signing on at the Employment Benefits Office , when you 're going to a job interview erm and often these are very negative because the experience of signing on is n't a very pleasant experience at all ; most job interviews , unfortunately , end with a rejection erm so a lot of these non-routine contacts were quite negatives ones for people .
16 I know the car 's essential but for instance if you 're going to an estate agent you 're not running round using the car in company time .
17 You 're going to an awful lot of trouble for me love .
18 this chap with his book he says watch out of it George it burns you , look in the corner and get your torch , you know , maybe you 're going to an antique place
19 ‘ Well , you 're going to the bottom , you disgusting old bag , ’ screamed Perdita , and the next moment she had butted Enid in the small of a very large back right into the swimming-pool .
20 You 're going to the warren ?
21 You 're going to the Casterbridge workhouse ?
22 You 're going to the cash and carry , so .
23 Oh , and Caroline , if you 're going to the party , make sure you stay the night at Casa Sciorto .
24 You 're going to the meeting in New York , of course ?
25 You 're going to the police ? ’
26 Right , so , and you 're going to the , what 's the seminar at five is it or
27 Now you 're going to the dance , and there 'll be Susan and Carrie there , and you 're going to smile as if nothing had happened here tonight .
28 But then it 's the per it 's the , if you 're going to the union with the one , it 's that coming back
29 And finally tonight , if you 're going to the dogs at Armadale , Eubank runs in the fifth and Madonna goes in the tenth .
30 You 're going to the House of Commons tomorrow , what message are you taking there ? ’
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