Example sentences of "you [be] [adj] [adv] to have " in BNC.

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1 If you are fortunate enough to have secured an agent you will have someone with whom you can talk .
2 Insert your ticket , if you are fortunate enough to have one , into one of the newly-installed electronic barriers designed to reduce fraud ( handy tip for cheapskates : exit barriers are happy to accept a cheap children 's ticket regardless of age ) .
3 If you are fortunate enough to have with you one or two baits , and you can flick these to the fish without scaring them off , it is interesting to see how , or even if , they respond .
4 If you are fortunate enough to have a modern plastic ball valve , servicing is simple and no special tools are required .
5 If you are fortunate enough to have a friendly neighbour who does not object to you working on your wall from his side of the boundary , then do get his agreement in writing .
6 If you are fortunate enough to have a lower level into which you can siphon away the water , that is the easiest .
7 So I do n't know if any of you are old enough to have worked in factories or have been in any in the services ?
8 Given its height and vigour , L. serotina is probably best accommodated at the back of a herbaceous border or in the wild garden if you are lucky enough to have such a place .
9 for example , you are lucky enough to have a holiday abroad for two or three weeks but you have no access to scales and you also eat out all the time .
10 As most of us have to work to earn a living , the short winter days limit our riding considerably and leave us with the choice of riding before or after work in the dark or only at weekends , unless you are lucky enough to have access to an indoor school .
11 If you are lucky enough to have your own land , you have a head start on those of us who have to rent facilities : but are you making the most of it ?
12 If you are in this position , or even if you are lucky enough to have obtained a place on a re-entry course , it may help to make a tentative assessment of the skills you feel need to be reassessed in order to practise safely .
13 If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man , then wherever you go for the rest of your life , it stays with you , for Paris is a movable feast , Ernest Hemingway to a friend , 1950 .
14 You are lucky enough to have Bella here to teach you , and your mother also , and as you know , I have undertaken to instruct you in history , since I am the one who has seen such a lot of it , as it were face to face .
15 If you are lucky enough to have a colour printer , or you just prefer to work with pretty colours , you can use a set of designer colour schemes designed , it would appear , by the world 's great composers .
16 If you are lucky enough to have full length cupboards in the hallway , they can easily be reorganized to take china , cutlery , glass and linen and maybe even a trolley or serving cart .
17 You are unlikely always to have access to an authoritative edition .
18 Buy this for him , and thank God you 're young enough to have missed them .
19 Well it 's part of er nationwide tour I 've been making , putting across the message that if you 're fortunate enough to have a Conservative Council , it costs you much less money .
20 If you 're unlucky enough to have a machine that goes wrong regularly , a service contract may save you hundreds of pounds .
21 you 're seventeen years old , if you 're old enough to have sex surely you 're old enough to you know , think about it in a mature way .
22 You 're old enough to have known better . ’
23 But I say you 're foolish not to have put that in the budget .
24 Sadly , unless you 're lucky enough to have a machine with a powerful processor and a large hard disk and you 've got wads of cash for each of these £300-plus packages , then it seems your dreams will come to nothing .
25 If you 're lucky enough to have a clear day , the view of the distant Alps , the city and the lake beneath is quite unforgettable .
26 You can invest up to nine thousand pounds over five years , er rates vary with the society unless you 're lucky enough to have a fixed rate .
27 If you 're lucky enough to have a colour printer , you can also fiddle with text and background colours .
28 Women would be coming up to me , putting their hands on my tits and going , ‘ Oh , you 're big enough to have babies now . ’
29 ‘ Women would be coming up to me , putting their hands on my tits and going , ‘ Oh , you 're big enough to have babies now ’ …
30 ‘ Since we 're both alone here , ’ said Gus , coming back from the bar with her sherry , ‘ will you be kind enough to have dinner with me ?
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