Example sentences of "you [adv] [vb base] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 You know how it is , you 're in the middle of nowhere when you suddenly think of a drum pattern and bass line for your latest track .
2 You know how it is , you 're in the middle of nowhere when you suddenly think of a drum pattern and bass line for your latest track .
3 If you enviously yearn for a PC sound card but ca n't afford one , Guildsoft 's Icon Hear-It for Windows might be the answer .
4 It 's one thing to leave your children with a couple you know and trust , but quite another to have a man you only know through a babysitting circle look after your children for an evening .
5 well there the sort that you only want about a couple at a time at the most
6 Even if you only work for a few hours a week , take out professional indemnity insurance .
7 However , if you merely ask for a repetition of the number , it still may not be clear if it is fourteen or forty .
8 You merely listen in a non committal way .
9 If you already work in a shop — or have done shop work in the past you may find that some of the procedures described here are done differently where you work .
10 If you already work in a shop , ask your supervisor/ manager if you can interview some of the customers .
11 ( If you already work in a shop , draw a plan of the area where your shop is located .
12 that 's what you normally do on a night time , he says oh so you 're not sleeping on settee ?
13 They estimate what you normally spend in a year , divide by 12 , and arrange for you to pay this sum by monthly direct debit .
14 Or 'ave you just come into a bit of money ? ’
15 You 're not well enough , you just sit in a chair there 's some cake in the tin if he wants a bit of cake !
16 ‘ To make yourself happy you just stick on a pair of flares , laugh at yourself , laugh with other people .
17 if you , even if you just go in a shop and ask for something , I tell you what I 'll send you in butchers with it , for one or two bits and
18 one , two , you just hold on a minute can you , just wait till Mark 's finished , cos it gets a bit confusing cos we get too many people knocking about .
19 ‘ No , shit , you just get to a point in your life where you want to make sure that everything is going to be OK .
20 and and they paid the fees and so on whereas er anywhere else you just work for a firm of estate agents and they pay whether they pay you and the qualifications up to you you go off and do it and you know
21 You just work on a plan where that i at the er at the beginning of the day you 're , you 're given your people to watch .
22 I felt relieved in the same huge way as when you 've been desperate to pee and you finally get to a loo …
23 ‘ And you still worry about a foolish dream , when I 'm close to you ?
24 You always ask for a pils .
25 From Heinrich 's point of view , you hardly look like a mother at all . "
26 You hardly seem in a mood of Christian charity . ’
27 The LSE is one of those rare guitars which you hardly notice after a couple of minutes , because you 're too busy playing the thing .
28 Are you more say on a more personal level , was it at all obvious during the lodge meetings that people who were out people were out , were under pressure to go back ?
29 like if you ever work in a children 's ward you can always tell the children that 've been hospitalised for a great length of time cos you can do anything with them
30 As we have outlined , every golf shot you ever play on a golf course — and on the practice ground , too — demands that you adhere to a set routine , never until you have gone through that routine .
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