Example sentences of "you [verb] to do [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And if anger loosens your tongue I 'll also find out what you mean to do in Winchester .
2 Here they are a reminder that you need to think about what you want to do with recording equipment before you can make sensible decisions about what you need .
3 Get one , O nine , I mean providing you 've got enough to do what you want to do in mohair
4 Look , for the sake of argument , we 'll say that however much good you tried to do in society , in fact you 'd never do any good .
5 So what do you need to do in order to release three or four ?
6 Give your answers in their lowest terms as you learnt to do on page 32 .
7 The simplest inquiry about the Health Service ( ’ What are you going to do about waiting lists ? ’ ) will sound accusatory — even loaded — when put to the Secretary of State for the Department of Health .
8 ‘ What are you going to do about Chan then ? ’
9 " What are you going to do about supper ? "
10 ‘ What are you going to do about Eleanor ? ’ she challenged him .
11 So what are you going to do to Steve ?
12 Alright and what are you going to do for dessert ?
13 Mm What you going to do with Sam tonight ?
14 ‘ What are you going to do with O'Brien ? ’
15 Well , what are you going to do with Riley House , I mean you have n't got nothing yet .
16 What extra did you have to do for humans ?
17 ‘ And what are you planning to do about Nicky Kai ? ’ he asked her very softly .
18 All you have to do to book is fill in the coupon below and send it to the address given with £1.50 to cover postage and administration .
19 I do n't understand what it is you want , or what you have to do with Spiderglass , or even how you got me away from them .
20 Erm and what I want you to do tonight please , in your teams I want you to make a list tonight , in your teams of all the things you have to do at work .
21 There is something you have to do in order to receive the gift .
22 But it certainly would n't be fair to claim that all you need to do in order to shed surplus weight is to add sufficient fibre-rich foods to your diet or switch from refined carbohydrate foods to natural fibre-rich foods like wholemeal bread .
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