Example sentences of "you [verb] a long time " in BNC.

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1 Good do you remember a long time ago doing factor trees and I gave you three sixty to do ?
2 And everybody was getting a bit bored with it cos as it dragged on this is s seven months when you know a long time to be I never thought it would have gone this as long as that when we started off with it .
3 You know a long time , a long time .
4 By this time we feel as if we are Hemingway 's companion , hauling out the bodies one by one , so that when he says ‘ Well you waited a long time to get sick brother .
5 I had been in the armed forces long enough to know that you waited a long time for everything and I saw no reason why a dental appointment should be any different ,
6 — be prepared to tell him any particular things he should know ( e.g. you spend a long time travelling to and from work each day ; you have recently had a bereavement in your family ; you have to get up each night for the children , etc . ) .
7 I suggest you spend a long time thinking about what you really want . ’
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