Example sentences of "you [verb] take the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And you know taking the top jockeys , Scudamore , Dunwoody , Niven , Osborne , McCourt they could all have made a success of whatever they chose to do , I 'm sure of that . ’
2 Erm first of all er would you , if er if you became Euro candidate er the unequivocally support the objectors to this motorway and secondly , would it be an embarrassment to you having to take the same line as Gary on the matter .
3 But yes , did you , should you , you have taken the sixty P last week ?
4 If you 've taken the last exercise seriously , you 'll be able to list some changes you 'd like to make : Go on — have a go !
5 You 've taken the full course at the Academy of Marksmanship .
6 SERAFIN : You 've taken the inverted commas off ?
7 It 's easy to take off the outside when when you come to take the inside ones it 's quite difficult .
8 Curiously , his other life as a painter could be part of the explanation : ‘ If you 're an artist you have to take the holistic view , ’ he suggests .
9 Because you have to take the last number off it .
10 Cos if you leave d go the cord straight away the cord just goes shooting up there , the weight inside comes down here and you lose the cord and you have to take the whole lot p t apart in order to get the thing to work again .
11 It appears that you have taken the real content of my personal views out of their true context and treated them with an interpretation that I least expected .
12 At the end of the call , quickly run through what has been said , to make sure that you have taken the right order or been given the correct information .
13 If you have taken the recommended Norwich Union insurance cover you must make an insurance claim under the Legal Expenses section in respect of any legal fees incurred abroad for that purpose , and if you have taken alternative insurance , you must do likewise under any Legal Expenses cover provided by it .
14 If you have taken the previous walk around the Hradčany leave the Strahov Monastery by Úvoz Street , the road originally connecting the Hradčany with the Malá Strana and marking the boundary between the two districts .
15 If you have taken the sensible option of a Boar Boyz Boss this gives you a formidable front line with eight Orc and three Boar attacks concentrated into three models , not to mention the effect of magic weapons or the war boars ' charge .
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