Example sentences of "you [verb] [art] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Now when you pick a paw pear before prickling when you pick a pawpaw for a prickly pear and you pick the wrong pear next time beware !
2 And if you 're playing a tape back which was recorded off air what happens if you push the text button ?
3 Quick as a flash you push the MOB button on the hand programmer .
4 Ski test : if you book a Ski Enterprise holiday in Tignes on March 17 or 24 , you can try out the 1990–91 range of skis from leading sports manufacturers .
5 If you make a typing error then you can use the standard keys — the cursor keys to move and the delete keys to delete .
6 And you make a fifteen-piastre profit on each one , do n't you ?
7 Do not reveal your hand by telling them the complete story , but never lie ; if you make a commitment stick to it ; be tough , abrasive and if necessary cunning but always trustworthy .
8 The moral of this tale is that to knit a garment to the correct size , it is vital that you make a tension swatch and try to match the result to the tension the designer of the pattern has given .
9 ‘ Then in that case I suggest you make a start right away , ’ Harriet said .
10 Unit Trusts are becoming an increasingly popular form of investment and as a High Interest Cheque Account holder you are entitled to a 1% bonus allocation when you make a lump sum purchase of £500 or more of Midland Unit Trusts .
11 You make the ball jump and I 'll break your face
12 You make the pillowcase look as if it 's been washed with Brand X …
13 I mean un unless you make the control room blast proof , which is maybe a thing to be looked in to in the future and then again they 're speaking about making the accommodation module separate from the platform itself which is another thing , but I mean that 's all to be looked at .
14 Now , to do that , it means you tax the polluter , you make the polluter pay and you encourage people to do good environmental things by giving them grants or subsidies , but they are financial mechanisms and there is no proposal in here that allows any financial mechanisms .
15 But the point t that Hughie makes is that y you allocate er y you , you make the project engineer someone who have trained , and , and that you know is capable of doing that job .
16 When you change the behaviour pattern which has become second nature to you , the world around you will react differently .
17 No , if it is a 2.25 litre engine unless you change the cylinder head for a 2.5 or have the old head bored out and 2.5 litre valve seats fitted ( ETC 6278 ) .
18 So you try to leave the songs a little bit open , or you change the set list and give yourself something fresh and new for the evening — anything that 's possible to try to avoid getting bored !
19 Usually the greater the similarity between a new stimulus and the conditioned stimulus , the stronger the conditioned response will be , e.g. if the conditioned response is a reaction to hearing the note middle C and you change the note response is weakened gradually .
20 The amount by which you change the drift allowance should not exceed 2° to 5° at any one time .
21 How 've you stopped the material rotting , anyway , it 's lasted very well , has n't it ?
22 So I gave you a topic sport or a hobby or an interest that you had and you produced a thought pattern for that just as we 'd done in the practice one with the subject of water , but then we moved on a stage further to get what are called a structured thought pattern .
23 With your wonderful knowledge of the Bible , Mr. Deputy Speaker , you produced the Lazarus motion which revived them all from the dead and they eventually passed on their way through the House .
24 Will you spring the time trap ?
25 This is a technique developed by Lotus for making these modular features available while at the same time allowing you to see the document page — so you can edit a drawing while viewing it in context .
26 ‘ If you are feeling depressed ’ — Hargreaves was entirely solicitous — ‘ it might be an idea for you to see the Student Counsellor .
27 Normally , there is no need for you to see the Bank Manager unless you wish to do so — we can give you the ‘ OK ’ from the information on the form .
28 And you got a company car as a benefit as well ?
29 . And then soon after that , the rest day , the five day week came out you see , where you got a rest day every week .
30 And invariably you got a gold sovereign , you see ?
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