Example sentences of "you [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Why the hell did n't you throw yourself at the door ? ’
2 As you flung yourself on the bed , with legs spread wide apart , you cupped your rosebush with your hands and stroked it some more , murmuring all the while in that hoarse , cracked voice of yours that it was good , beautiful , a little treasure .
3 Do you regard yourself to the left or to the right in politics ?
4 If you 're a good girl I 'll take you home myself in the morning . ’
5 Er and you , you , you provided yourself with the uniform before you came as a student nurse so that was alright for the first year , so you 'd no uniform to provide .
6 I suggest that where an average portion provides less than 20 calories you let yourself off the chore of weighing while following the F-Plan slimming method .
7 Do a little homework before you put yourself at the mercy of a mortgage lender .
8 ‘ If you put yourself in the position to be fashionable , then six months later everyone 's going to take the piss out of you .
9 you , if you put yourself in the position of a burglar , and y you 're already , you 've done it , you 're already making choices .
10 You put yourself in the right mental state and adopt the persona that 's needed . ’
11 Once you had served a few years , you might come to detest the job , but you committed yourself to the future .
12 Your attitude , especially if you are not accustomed to dealing with lawyers , will alter considerably if you familiarize yourself with the law as it affects you .
13 Even if you do n't want to go back to your ex-wife , counselling may help you to free yourself from the past .
14 If you can not find someone to conduct a mock interview then leave a tape-recorder on while you practise some of your more important answers and the way in which you describe yourself to the interviewer .
15 You mean you 're leaving me here with that man while you enjoy yourself on the ski-slopes ?
16 Set realistic goals Make sure you can achieve what you set yourself in the time
17 HOW HAVE YOU integrated yourself into the Glaswegian community you paint ?
18 HOW HAVE YOU integrated yourself into the Glaswegian community you paint ?
19 ‘ The pleasure comes later , when you elevate yourself to the status of a student and a teacher — that 's how I see the job . ’
20 You find yourself on the crest of a steep ridge running gently north east towards the summit .
21 When you die you find yourself in the World of the Dead .
22 Then , round a corner , you find yourself in the famous archaeological dig , which has been reconstructed where it took place , with the preserved tenth century buildings re-erected where they were found .
23 Helping an elderly parent through her sorrow can be a long , hard haul , but very rewarding in the end — not only in terms of her recovery , but also because , if you find yourself in the same position in later years , you will look back on this experience you shared with her and find that it has left you with a far deeper understanding of grief , and a greater confidence in the healing power of time to see you through your own period of adjustment to loss .
24 If you find yourself in the position of having to land the model some distance away ( which you will ) , here again they will be of great help .
25 No matter , because we 're asking you to project yourself into the very heart of the Swinging Sixties myth — into the lives of the
26 And you define yourself by the words you use , in my case words that seek to present bare facts .
27 Neutral , euphemistic , alliterative , you distanced yourself from the idea of neighbours killing each other .
28 ‘ I have to go out for an hour or so ; therefore I suggest that you acquaint yourself with the filing system and generally try to get the feel of the place .
29 You modelling yourself on the Israelis ? ’
30 Should you be more diligent in the way you apply yourself to the tasks in hand ?
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