Example sentences of "you [verb] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But it was n't , if you cared to put yourself in my position .
2 Yeah I say you got to behave yourself to my children yeah .
3 I mean you got to get yourself in there round the back tuck yourself in all your body .
4 Comment : Very useful device when you want to ingratiate yourself with another person who is trying hard to play high status .
5 They are lovely to visit — especially when you want to feast yourself on a Dorset cream tea — but it is the rolling countryside and stunning coastline which attract the many lovers of the outdoors .
6 You want to sacrifice yourself in a bloody revolution that will have no hope of success , and you want to sacrifice hundreds , perhaps thousands of young lives with you !
7 You want to pat yourself on your , on your back and think you know what a good boy I am , or what a good girl I am , and of course you 're doing , your superego is doing to you what your parents would 've done as , as , when you were a child , they 're rewarding you saying good boy , good girl , have n't you been good ?
8 ‘ Yeah , if you want to keep yourself to yourself that 's no problem , ’ Pete , the man of about my age , said .
9 But it comes down to how openly you want to express yourself as a Muslim .
10 If you 're ill , off work , what 's the last thing you want to worry yourself with .
11 If you want to expose yourself to someone , then do it to one of your fancy women ; you 'll do it no longer to my daughter , my daughter .
12 You 'd given yourself to the highest bidder — ’
13 How , if at all , are you going to protect yourself against changes in the exchange rate between your currency and your customer 's currency ?
14 You begin to hate yourself for what you 're doing .
15 How would you like to see yourself in ten years ' time ?
16 I see cos you like to keep yourself to yourself do n't you Joyce ?
17 If you are out shopping , get tired , and are tempted by a cake and a cup of coffee , your overall health regime should not suffer because you decide to enjoy yourself in this way occasionally .
18 ‘ I would suggest that you think a bit more carefully before you decide to commit yourself to another long-term relationship . ’
19 We all three had dinner together , then you went off with her to your room , where she was to stay , though how you managed to accommodate yourselves in that tiny room with its narrow bed was something I preferred not to think about .
20 ‘ First you try to kill yourself by running off into a blizzard , and now you risk life and limb because you ca n't even bring yourself to admit to me that you 've never skied in your life before . ’
21 For some of it you try to put yourself in somebody else 's shoes and write a story about that .
22 You try to defend yourself with words , but they are empty , meaningless , ’ he said .
23 Oh , just you try forcing yourself on me again and your world will explode .
24 You start to see yourself in terms of an application form . ’
25 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
26 ‘ Once you start saving yourselves for big games and ducking out of tackles , you get into the wrong frame of mind and that is very dangerous , ’ warned Howard , who is hoping to steer his side through to the second round of the FA Cup for the first time for 17 years .
27 And you know very well that as soon as you start to launch yourself into the world of contracting by , by its very nature a contract a a automatically has loopholes in it , and the more you write in a contract the more loopholes you 've got .
28 This is very important because once you start to perceive yourself in negative terms you will probably start to act in a negative way , being quarrelsome and finally looking to food for comfort .
29 Apart from that , I have n't the least interest in whether you choose to kill yourself by falling from a great height , or crashing into something at high speed . ’
30 A swallow to him was something you did when you ate food or you did to stop yourself from crying .
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