Example sentences of "that during [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In contrast to the traditional liberal view , they have suggested that during the revolution the masses acted upon the political leaders as much as they were acted upon by them .
2 And there , after her warming-up exercises , she leaped like a gazelle , undisturbed by the fact that she was being filmed on video by two pupils and barely noticing that during the session a small group of people tiptoed on to the gallery , and she did her last jump to applause .
3 It was estimated that during the strike the workers had lost R45,000,000 in wages and damage to SATS property was believed to have cost R38,500,000 .
4 W.J. White confuses matters more by saying that ‘ the body of Elizabeth I was so poorly embalmed that during the funeral the coffin exploded , owing to the accumulation of the gaseous products of decomposition ’ .
5 These arguments tend to be supported by a detailed study of the impact of the war on East London ( Bush 1978 ) , and the more recent work of Waites ( 1987 ) in which he demonstrates that during the war the working class was able temporarily to reappropriate nationalist sentiment , articulating it with an assertive , class-conscious resistance to perceived excesses of capitalist exploitation .
6 One interesting aspect was that during the war the lines of debate were largely settled by civil servants ; the effective opposition was not a political party , but the Treasury and other departments who saw themselves threatened by a new , upstart Ministry of Town and Country Planning .
7 It is true that during the match the Linfield fans created trouble , but it was among themselves by throwing bottles at each other .
8 A letter sent to shareholders by the club 's legal adviser , Gordon Marshall , makes it clear that during the action a number of concessions had been obtained from the Deans family .
9 Suppose that the customer has expressly requested a visit for one purpose ( say , a possible purchase of kitchen fitments ) and that during the visit the trader talks the customer into buying something else , say a television .
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