Example sentences of "that over [art] [num ord] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That means that over the next 14 months new national vocational qualifications will be accredited and put in place at a rate of well over one a day .
2 The RYA says that over the next 10 years demand for new berths will reach 85,000 nationally on top of the present 190,000 .
3 In a departure from the stance of previous governments , the government announced in February 1990 that over the next five years it proposed to pay Sch300,000,000 in reparations to Austrian Jews who had fled the country after the Anschluss ( the forcible union of Austria with Nazi Germany in 1938 ) and who had not previously received compensation .
4 Nevertheless , he forsees that over the next two years there may be problems as fleets dispose of the diesels acquired during the last oil-burner boom .
5 I can give the hon. Gentleman and the House some comfort by saying that over the next two years things will change dramatically .
6 Like other fair-minded people , we wanted to see more help given to these parents and their children ; and it was plain that over the next ten years or so Parliament would be doing that , and our scheme would be one of the instruments used for that purpose .
7 The basis for that is that over the next few years the South Africans will be on an upward learning curve after being without international competition for so long .
8 Legal & General 's Michael Payne says that over the next few years he expects his fund ‘ will grow more in Europe at the expense of UK equities , ’ particularly now that entry into the ERM has reduced the currency risk .
9 It seems certain that over the next few years the returns for all the work done did not satisfy Taylor , who wrote again in 1840 to the acting agent Moser , asking for a reduction of the Royalties to one-fifteenth .
10 Environmentalists stress that these are only preliminary findings , and that over the next few years , more extensive damage to wildlife in the Sound may be uncovered .
11 Mike Turner , chairman of BAe 's Jetstream Holdings subsidiary , said that over the next few years ‘ hundreds of millions of pounds ’ are due to be invested in the Jetstream family of aircraft , construction of which is being concentrated at Prestwick following an extensive reorganisation at BAe .
12 Mr Knight anticipates that over the next few years manufacturing capacity will expand and business may be further developed via a joint venture .
13 Mead says that over the next several years it will move from a mainframe-centric architecture to a more flexible Unix environment , and Hewlett products are being incorporated as components of Mead Data 's internally developed Lexis and Nexis legal , business , financial and medical databases .
14 I do not doubt that over the next 20 years the Community 's evolution will be as marked as it has been in the nearly 20 years since we joined .
15 My problem is that over the last 4 or 5 years , I 've been having my hair highlighted and gradually I feel that it has become too blonde .
16 It is evident that over the last hundred years or so mid realizations have been spreading at the expense of low realizations .
17 The Newcastle 's cap and collar mortgage , where the interest can not rise about 10.75 per cent or fall below 9.5 per cent for a full seven years is a good bet , especially when you consider that over the last 10 years , the average interest rate has been around 12 per cent .
18 British Gas said that over the last 10 years it has lost about 2,000 workers a year with the switch to natural gas .
19 Alan Milburn , said official department of employment figures showed that over the last two years youth unemployment has increased over 40pc faster than the general rise .
20 The finding of archaeology that over the last five thousand years men of the most diverse civilizations have invariably set the highest values on substances which , however attractive aesthetically , were nevertheless useless for purposes of daily life , coincides with the observation of North American society during the last quarter of the nineteenth century made by Thorstein Veblen and embodied in his classic book The Theory of the Leisure Class , originally published in 1899.5 Although composed with the animus and spleen of a man condemned by his personality to a life of persistent failure , Veblen produced a book hilarious in style but of quite brilliant perversity .
21 Has the Prime Minister had time today to study the Department of Trade and Industry 's figures that were released on Tuesday , which showed that over the last five years Chinese quotas for the importation of cashmere garments into the European Community have been exceeded by 500,000 units and that in 1991 the actual importation exceeded the quotas by over 400 per cent ?
22 It was a simple , but very pertinent observation and re-emphasised that over the last 18 months or so the All Blacks have been steadily squeezed in the nutcracker of their own ambition .
23 I guess that over the last six years television has given him only a quarter of her exposure .
24 Although the primary importance of state benefits in financing old age may decline in the future as both the opportunities and the incentives increase for today 's working population to accumulate private assets for retirement , there can be little doubt that over the last eighty years state pensions have been instrumental in sustaining a considerable degree of economic independence among the retired population .
25 It should come as no surprise then , if we tell you that over the last three years Florida has become one of our great Club 18–30 success stories , with thousands of club fans making the trip across the ‘ big pond ’ for their first stateside holiday .
26 ‘ I am really pleased that over the last three years I have been able to show that part-time working can work without any difficulty .
27 It 's probably the , the simplest illustration is to say that over the last three or four years , we 've moved from being well below S S A to nine point four percent above S S A , now nothing 's changed other than that we 've got a slight decrease in the number of calls over this last two years .
28 Mr Milburn said latest figures showed that over the last three years the number of patients removed from waiting lists without having received treatment had increased 145pc .
29 Mr Maan said that over the last three to four years , Strathclyde had become far more cooperative with moves to abandon discriminatory practices and willing to accept criticism .
30 Disaster relief officials said that over the last three days another 12,000 people had been evacuated to join 45,000 already crammed into the centres after an eruption killed 75 people on 2 February .
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