Example sentences of "that she [verb] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was n't until she had successfully launched The Body Shop on to the Unlisted Securities Market that she began to examine the direction in which the business was going and to start articulating its mission in a definitive way .
2 This belief so dominated her thoughts that she began to form a coherent political ideology based on what she imagined the ancien régime to have been like , and became convinced of the perfection of the aristocratic society of eighteenth-century France .
3 Charlotte 's response to her discovery had been so instinctive , and the action it had prompted her to take so urgent , that it was not until late afternoon , aboard a train drawing ever closer to Paris , that she began to consider the difficulties and possible consequences of the task she had set herself .
4 It was while she was wiping her face that she began to get an uncanny feeling that she was being watched .
5 Those normal , straightforward girls are part ofa society that she chose to leave a long time ago .
6 But the Prime Minister 's dominant recognition of the Labour threat was underscored by the fact that she chose to avoid the contentious issues of water and electricity privatisation , poll tax , the trade deficit , the European Community , and the Exchange Rate Mechanism .
7 She had to admit , however , that the main reason that she had phoned the Symses and answered their appeal so promptly was that it took her out of the house , and away from the strain of being with Mark in public while the incident of the night before still divided them .
8 I told her the old lady was rich and that she had done the cottage up beautifully .
9 The art shop in Covent Garden was the largest she could think of offhand , and the minute she walked in she knew that she had done the right thing .
10 When Liz 's twin baby girls were born Laura was convinced that she had done the right thing in keeping the full extent of her father 's illness and the subsequent disastrous financial mess from her cousin .
11 People marvelled at the way Lilly Foley ran such an elegant home when she had five rugby-playing lads to deal with , and marvelled even more that she had kept the handsome John Foley at her side .
12 MARY BAILEY revealed that she had kept an Oscar that was terrified by earthworms .
13 To which she replied that she had been sound asleep , that she had heard a desultory conversation , but its substance had nothing whatever to do with her .
14 Fei Yen had looked up briefly , only to avert her eyes again , but it was clear from her smile that she had heard the story often and was not displeased by it .
15 Penelope wished now that she had worn a dress or suit instead of the elegant tartan trews , but they had seemed the only way to make Rupert Stonebird notice her .
16 She was wearing the coat with all the buttons and buckles that she had worn the first time I saw her outside Kaama 's flat .
17 A hairdresser believes he sees the ghost of a fellow-soldier ; spends some years in a mental hospital ; on his release is rejected by his wife who he believes is ‘ denying him his existence ’ ; begins to think that everyone else is denying him his existence , perhaps because he was once shot at by a German and they all think he is dead ; spends his Sundays looking into the river for the bullet which missed him ; after his death , his wife discovers she is pregnant ; she lets it be known that the hairdresser has spoken to her by night and told her ‘ he was very happy that she had recognized the child as his , because that way she had stopped denying him his existence ’ ; when eventually she moves away from Piacenza , the hairdresser stops speaking to her by night .
18 ‘ Or someone like her , ’ Belinda stressed , not wanting him to guess that she had noticed the brunette 's special interest in him .
19 She had already been removed to the Intensive Care Unit at the JR2 , but in the bedroom there seemed quite sufficient evidence that she had planned a deliberate departure .
20 ‘ Would n't it be lovely if Terry was one of them ? ’ a colleague said , but Sarah said quietly that she had received a letter from him and knew when he would arrive .
21 When she had graduated from the School of Fashion she had sold her entire degree collection to Lady Jane , a small but exclusive West End boutique , who had greeted her designs with such enthusiasm that she had believed the world was her oyster and everything was about to happen for her .
22 She boasted that she had obtained an American wonderdrug called Cancell which could successfully treat these incurable diseases .
23 Kit hugged herself with pleasure at the thought that she had raised a son who would be an engineer .
24 Moreover , now that she had achieved the heart 's desire for which she had turned on her shameless , neurotic display , she had become dejected , and walked along meekly , head and tail hanging .
25 She already knew from the sour expressions of the French wives among the gathering and the open admiration in the eyes of their sallow , perspiring spouses that she had achieved an outstanding success with her greatest extravagance , a simple couture gown of lilac organza .
26 She saw immediately that she had said the wrong thing .
27 Again she knew at once that she had said the wrong thing .
28 One suffragette , Rosa Lamartine Yates , recounted that she had witnessed the double-standard in action while standing bail for two women at the west London police court .
29 I got my staff to check on the Charlotte T. , and found that she had sailed the day after Andrew Stavanger wrote his letter .
30 There was no doubt in her mind that she had met a truly extraordinary mathematical brain , and words like child-genius and prodigy went flitting through her head .
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