Example sentences of "that that [be] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If you were going to , you could do it all in one sentence , that that 's the other point I was going to make .
2 It was an old joke — a teetotaller knows every morning when he wakes up that that 's the best he 's going to feel all day .
3 That that 's the best way and then you and I could perhaps walk round with them or ride round with them and show them .
4 The more features that 're fired , the more likely it is that you 'll get an out or the higher the activity level of the cognitive demon and then the more likely that the decision demon will decide that that 's the appropriate character .
5 I wo n't be in on Monday so people will have to come in on Monday somebody will have to come in on Monday , go to the room specified which I have n't agreed yet and then put it on and then bring it back again to so people who ca n't make it today , that that 's the alternative arrangement but I 'll tell you more when I come back at eleven o'clock , okay ?
6 He says our feeling is very much that that 's the right idea , beacuse it enables the place to be used for quiet enjoyment at a time of the week when most people are free .
7 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
8 And I just think that that 's the real danger .
9 Well that that 's the important thing , is we should n't they should n't
10 Oh yeah As close as that that 's the dreaded bridge .
11 Okay that that 's the big thing they 're looking for there .
12 For my part , I 'm only glad that that 's the last we 've seen of him — ( And he glances offstage and turns front , his face betraying the fact that HAMLET is there . )
13 How will you make me get out of your way when you know deep down that that 's the last thing you really want me to do ? ’
14 My o 's gon na be a snake and I go right down look at that that 's the last thing I 'm gon na have to be able to do .
15 Is he not astonished that that is the Labour party 's proposal ?
16 Erm I go along with the brigadier on this , I do n't approve of any of the things I 've heard this evening , and I do n't believe that that is the normal course of action in the Army .
17 flexibility er in implementation , and I think that that is the necessary part of it .
18 There will be requirement for part of Peter , North Yorkshire , part of the Greater York requirement that that is the new settlement required to be met outside the greenbelt and outside the the Greater York area .
19 Well I am told that that is the earliest thing at all .
20 Almost all cars that are stolen are reported for the simple reason that that is the only way owners will get insurance compensation ; and insurance is often a major reason for reporting other thefts and burglary .
21 To pretend as the sister said , that because she and another sister share lesbian sexuality , that that is the only thing , I think is living in a fools paradise .
22 I 've discovered that that is the only way , with one or two exceptions that might occur , the only way to stop yourself wasting an awful lot of time .
23 Councils that conduct local polls say that that is the primary concern .
24 That is what we propose to do , and in his heart of hearts the hon. Gentleman and many other Conservative Members know that that is the right course .
25 But I 'm not sure that that is the right response .
26 I do n't think that that is the right way forward .
27 Now I would suggest that that is the prime motivation
28 I believe that that is the Prime Minister 's intention , which is why I shall strongly support him tonight .
29 The world is changing , and just because defence , nuclear energy and agricultural research have been done in certain ways in the past does not mean that that is the best way now .
30 However , my Committee does not believe that that is the best way to deal with legislation .
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