Example sentences of "that had been made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The way that had been made through the fallen rock was very narrow and uneven and to take John out he was laid on a board and pushed along as if on a sledge .
2 The medical report books , as Queen Victoria 's reign approached its end , bear eloquent witness to the progress that had been made at the workhouse since those days when the deaths of the fifteen-year-old Samuel B. , and the Infant Bastard child of Susan C. had been recorded in the cold official language of the time .
3 It was clear from the representations that had been made to the Chief Whip 's office that there were many on the back-benches who would oppose my succession ; there was no similar anti-Macmillan faction .
4 It is curious , therefore , that he did not immediately exploit the worthwhile gains that had been made on the right .
5 Of course the trade papers revelled in hyperbole but the claims that were being made had a greater validity than those that had been made for music-hall .
6 When combined with the growing criticisms of its injustice , these findings undermined all the claims for enlightenment and scientific efficiency that had been made for rehabilitation as a penal aim .
7 The special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens , and enthusiasm from staff members who had been involved in the parallel track had reassured other faculty members .
8 I do not agree with Stella Lowry that ‘ special arrangements that had been made for the new pathway students had caused resentment among other students , who felt that they were being treated like second class citizens . ’
9 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
10 We divided the material into six programmes which we then had to clear with the Cabinet Office under an agreement that had been made with the Broadlands Archives Trust .
11 The industry built up a new audience not by giving a social elite privileges but rather by suggesting that anyone who had paid their admission price would be given value for money and in particular would be given films that had been made with care and attention .
12 It was thus impossible to make the kind of pact that had been made with Clovis in France .
13 The remarks that had been made about him were confusing .
14 If he was he would be bound by a pre-existing collective agreement that had been made between the union and North Star Yachts Ltd .
15 Her visit lasted just over an hour and a quarter , and she left holding a birthday card for Prince Harry that had been made by the refuge children .
16 In March 1947 , the Government announced its intention to round off the social service provision that had been made by the National Insurance and National Health Service Acts of 1946 , by introducing legislation to break up the poor law , and to introduce a comprehensive system of national assistance .
17 About six months ago , our deputy general secretary wrote to Monseigneur , the general secretary of the bishops conference , and er told him that we hoped progress was being made , referred in particular to the degree of consensus that had been a arrived at in the baptism eucharist and ministry document and er also to the difference that had been made by the coming into being of ACTS and its commission on unity faith and order and we had a reply to that er a letter from Monseigneur assuring as that the hierarchy were taking this seriously , that they were discussing it er amongst themselves in Scotland and were also in discussion with Rome on the subject as well .
18 The sun was fully eclipsed by Arcadia now , and although the main source of illumination was now only the light refracted through the halo of the planet 's atmosphere , it was easier to see in the dim but diffuse light than in the glare and dark shadows that had been made by the unshielded sun .
19 The Rueff plan , which was presented to de Gaulle in mid-November , had three main planks : a substantial devaluation of the franc ( accompanied by the creation of a new franc equivalent to 100 old francs ) ; action to control the budget deficit , both through increased taxes and cuts in governmental expenditure ; and a decision to remove many restrictions on foreign trade and to reduce tariffs on trade with the other five Common Market countries ( in line with a commitment that had been made by the Fourth Republic the year before ) .
20 He had seen for himself the progress that had been made in the three days since he had last visited the laboratories .
21 The Civil Justice Review , on examining the arguments , recognised the need to assist people who do not qualify for legal aid funding , drew attention to the major advances that had been made in regulation policy so as probably to be able to control a contingency fee system and , on the basis of competition policy , considered whether it would be more desirable to devise more limited schemes under which lawyers would have a stake in the outcome of a case as an incentive .
22 It pointed to the progress that had been made in Mexico , the Philippines and Costa Rica .
23 This afternoon to the Commons and talked to Frank Barlow , the Secretary of the PLP , who told me in detail the arrangements that had been made in the event of Harold Wilson dying .
24 Some of them presented her with gifts that had been made in the centre 's workshops .
25 We had a stable rate base for a long time and we saw no reason to doubt that there was anything untoward in the ratings that had been made within our borough .
26 Older siblings living in mainland Scotland were not permitted to see or communicate with their younger brothers and sisters , even though they were in no way involved or implicated in the allegations that had been made against the parents .
27 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
28 ‘ What author ? ’ asked the doctor , probably resenting the arbitrary change that had been made upon his name .
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