Example sentences of "that had [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was feeling perfectly relaxed , almost carefree , she reflected , a mood that had unfolded in the course of their journey .
2 Most heads could identify changes that had led to a more balanced or improved curriculum , either as a result of the purchase of additional facilities or due to a change in curriculum planning .
3 In the case of the famine of 1921–2 , a sudden alteration in the agricultural setting deeply affected , not just the local peasantry , but all the other provinces of European Russia and the very basis of the economic and political calculations that had led to the introduction of the NEP in the first place .
4 Iran was now in a poor state in the war , and was about to be wiped out as the Russian Army had been at Tannenberg in 1914 : a disaster that had led to the rise of the Bolsheviks .
5 But several of his supporters agreed with Mr John Patten , the former Home Affairs Minister , who spoke of the ‘ wicked , old-fashioned racism ’ that had led to the overturning of the 4,896 Tory majority and brought shame to the spa town .
6 Goleniewski had been in touch with the CIA since 1958 during which time he had passed on to them a considerable amount of information that had led to the arrest of several important spies .
7 But on the North American mainland , colonies had been affected very little by the earlier wars among European countries ; except for the brief clash that had led to the Dutch loss of New Amsterdam the colonies had fought only with ill-armed Indians and had won their little wars without help from England .
8 Erm Mao was worried that as , i in the course of the , the latter stages of directive and the there had been abuses of the system by Party members and that had led to the Party getting a bad name with the peasants and the way to rectify that was to publish the Communist Party membership so everybody in the village would know who was a Communist Party member and they would be able to see , Mao believed , that on the whole Party members had behaved properly , they had n't exploited the situation for their own advantage and where they have they would be , there would be a with them to correct .
9 Soon after its talks with Wells Fargo fell through , Security Pacific announced that it was cutting back its international operations , once a big growth area , because of bad loans in Britain and Australia that had contributed to a $230m fourth-quarter loss .
10 Chapman acknowledged the ‘ splendid support ’ that had rallied to the club , but he regarded the Elland Road spectators , in common with other Yorkshire crowds , as too partisan .
11 Last time she had slipped out in the dark like this was on the night the Doyles had come , the night that had ended with a mystery and a death .
12 ‘ That 's the trouble with Nicky , ’ Constance told Louise after she had returned from yet another evening that had ended with a quarrel .
13 The katun , comprising twenty years of 360 days , was the most important unit of time in the Maya view , because the events in one katun were expected to approximate to those in a previous katun that had ended on a day with the same number .
14 as if to match the tense atmosphere inside the car , the sun had disappeared behind some ominously black clouds that had crept over the horizon .
15 She would not think of her dry mouth or her empty stomach , or the clammy chill of the dungeon that had seeped into every bone in her body .
16 She had scarcely seen the Mercedes that had swung into the drive just as she 'd been about to go out , but by sheer instinct she had swerved to miss it , sparing only a glance in the mirror to tell her the other car was safe before speeding on her way again .
17 Wilcock had developed another interest too , one that had burgeoned on the Voice , a fascination with Andy Warhol 's factory , then turning out movies at the Factory by the dozen , and sucking in voyeurs , drifters , hopers , and no-hopers .
18 The only component that had faded from the picture was Captain Buck 's Special Interrogation Group , ‘ owing to difficulties in recruiting ’ !
19 Body slick with sweat , despite the chill that had descended on the office block , Cardiff pushed the door open further , keeping the gun well in front of him .
20 It was a relief when a couple of minutes later , amidst the deafening silence that had descended on the room , Mrs Aitken poked her head round the door .
21 To Karen , that had sounded like a lot of Jessica 's most harsh and brittle statements , the harshness and the brittleness barely concealing something darker underneath .
22 The heavy clouds that had gathered about the summit of Mont Blanc boiled from within .
23 In Sir Ernest Barker 's words , Maine ‘ was the tragic voice , sonorous behind the mask of Cassandra , which uttered the feelings that had gathered since the extension of the suffrage in 1867 ’ .
24 Then , slightly bemused , he lifted his head and stared round at the cheering crowd that had gathered in the doorway .
25 The sky was bright , the distant grumble of thunder died away and the sun shone , striking light off the puddles that had gathered from the downpour .
26 In 1926 an agreement ( the Athens Agreement ) was concluded between Greece and Turkey to settle various difficulties that had arisen under the 1923 Lausanne Peace Treaty .
27 The Authority was less successful in its attempt to ensure that disciplinary proceedings were brought against a detective superintendent , whose early retirement from the Metropolitan Police in 1989 meant that he avoided questions about his links with drug smuggling and criminal gangs , queries that had arisen after a World in Action television programme which had made serious allegations about corruption in the London police .
28 In the prosecution of the war , the Left discovered far greater opportunities for political advance than any that had arisen from the anti-war struggles of the 1930s .
29 Louis 's aim was twofold : first , to cope with the tensions that had arisen from the implementation of ecclesiastical reforms , for instance by sending out missi to settle disputes between clergy and laymen over the appropriation of tithes ; and second , to tighten control of local government , for instance , by asking missi to draw up lists of all those liable for military service in each county .
30 The chosen organisation was a local authority that had participated in earlier developments , but this time the study examined the problems that had arisen in the Highways and the planning departments following the establishment of a common unit providing both with financial , administrative , personnel and computer support .
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