Example sentences of "that this [noun] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 There is the thought that this story might fulfil me as nothing ever has done in all my life previous to this .
2 However , plumes are generally enriched in those elements that are enriched in the Earth 's crust , and studies of radiogenic isotopes showed that this enrichment must have occurred hundreds , if not thousands , of millions of years ago .
3 It does not follow , however , that this development will make Sir Patrick Mayhew 's task any easier , in the short term .
4 Greenpeace is deeply concerned that this development will lead to monopoly control over genetic resources and an even greater dependence on herbicides .
5 I believe that this trend will spread and that it is based on very sound educational grounds .
6 It is expected that this trend will continue at least until the turn of the century : indeed forecasts suggest that between now and the year 2000 , the 70 year old ex-Service population will nearly double , while by the end of that period some 500,000 ex-RAF personnel will be over 80 years old .
7 It is expected that this trend will continue at least until the turn of the century ; indeed forecasts suggest that between now and the year 2000 , the 70 year old ex-Service population will nearly double , while by the end of that period some 500,000 ex-RAF personnel will be over 80 years old .
8 The IT industry has been subject to rapid development in recent years and it is confidently expected that this trend will continue .
9 It is expected that this trend will continue , with further reductions in the number of hours worked and more people taking early retirement .
10 The company 's performance in the first quarter of 1993 would certainly back this projection up , he adds , and he is confident that this trend will continue now and in the foreseeable future .
11 It seems that this trend will continue , and many African countries have been forced to accept democracy to foster economic and political justice for all . ’
12 Certainly , examples can be found where the growth of the enterprise has involved the creation of massive technical operating units ( in the car industry and the shipyards for instance ) but it is not clear that this trend will continue , and in some cases technological change is already undermining the competitive advantage of those enterprises operating very large-scale units .
13 Indeed , it is the sharing of cost that is a common way for most Spam cans to be owned privately , and I believe that this trend will increase in the coming years with the rising cost of aircraft and diminishing disposable incomes .
14 At first sight , it might seem that this trend should have restored the feeling of stability and counteracted the sensation of transience , to which reference has been made .
15 The UK government is concerned about the number of deaths caused by careless driving while unfit because of excessive alcohol consumption , and a recent White Paper , The Road User and the Law , recommends among other things , that this offence should carry obligatory disqualification from driving for at least 2 years , an unlimited fine and a maximum penalty of 5 years ' imprisonment ( Lowry , 1989 ) .
16 We hope that this publication will aid that process .
17 Originally it was thought that this question might provide some useful insights into possible cover to allow people to attend courses .
18 McLeish repressed the malicious thought that this event might put Francesca 's nose just a little bit out of joint .
19 Fetal ultrasound studies suggest that this damage may occur in utero .
20 I pray that this spirit will pull us through these difficult times .
21 Second , if we accept that such adjectives , unlike predicate qualifiers , are genuinely equivalent to a modified clause in conjunction with the noun phrase which they follow , then it is entirely predictable that this construction will demand , as the preceding main verb , one which customarily supports a predication expressed in an explicit subordinate clause ; this will not , however , be demanded of the verb preceding a predicate qualifier .
22 So it was to be expected that this sight should arouse some curiosity , and after putting their heads together the women put down their bowls and kettles and went over to ask the painter who was coming to live there .
23 Dr Collier and others hope that this trial will remove the toxic cloak of secrecy surrounding their regulation .
24 As at present advised , I incline to the opinion that this principle should extend to embrace cases in which the tax or other levy has been wrongly exacted by the public authority not because the demand was ultra vires but for other reasons , for example because the authority has misconstrued a relevant statute or regulation .
25 If we were bound by the decision in Handscomb , I would see force in the argument that this principle should apply equally to mandatory life sentences .
26 However , American experience also suggests that this awareness may remain rather abstract : relatively few people become able to translate differences in APR into differences in the money cost of credit .
27 I thought that this charity would appeal particularly to parents who have seen the effect it can have on family life when their child has to stay in hospital .
28 The chances are that this shyness would have naturally prevented him from attaining such a high profile … but Morrissey slipped through the net and the consequences could be devastating .
29 At present the flysheet is vivid purple and sky blue but Ariel tell me that this tent will appear in apple green and gold for next season .
30 These authors found that oral administration of aspirin was associated with inhibition of platelet prostaglandin synthesis and suggested that this finding might explain the known effects of aspirin in inhibiting the platelet-release reaction and in prolonging the bleeding time ( Quick , 1966 ) .
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