Example sentences of "that there [vb past] been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Like us , he reckoned that there 'd been another man there .
2 All three were aware that the King and Queen had , after four years of war , come to represent to their subjects all that was best in the domestic and public virtues , and that there had been current for some time an idea of presenting to them a gift as a mark of national respect , thanks and loyalty .
3 Opposition parties persisted with their accusations that there had been innumerable instances of ballot box rigging , intimidation of voters and the expulsion of opposition representatives at many polling stations .
4 At this point , ‘ Dr Johnson observed that there had been great disputes about the spelling of Shakespear 's [ sic ] name : ‘ At last it was thought it would be settled by looking at the original copy of his will ; but , upon examining it , he was found to have written it himself no less than three different ways . ’
5 But he noted that there had been great differences over the issue of securing international guarantees for the zone , and concluded that the practical realisation of the zone idea was a long-term task .
6 Whilst admitting that there had been procedural " irregularities " , Hoeveler rejected a defence motion that the charges against Noriega be dismissed .
7 On Aug. 22 Abdullah stated that there had been 170 bomb explosions in the state in the previous 12 months .
8 On February 21 , 1991 a hearing took place before the justices , in camera , at which it was submitted on the defendant 's behalf that the publication of the prosecution would be a penalty highly prejudicial to the defendant 's business , that the publicity would bring about closure , that the restaurant had strong defences to each summons and that there had been serious breaches of PACE by the investigating officer .
9 ‘ in his opinion there was evidence to show that there had been serious breaches of the Lautro Rules in respect of the business conducted on behalf of Norwich Union by Winchester .
10 After a short while Mr. Wells felt able to tell the Chief Executive Officer of Lautro that ‘ in his opinion there was evidence to show that there had been serious breaches of the Lautro Rules in respect of the business conducted on behalf of Norwich Union by Winchester . ’
11 In statements issued on July 16 the Foreign Ministers of Egypt , Kuwait and Saudi Arabia stressed that there had been total agreement on the articles of the Damascus Declaration notwithstanding some " minor amendments " .
12 In Turkey alone , the Guardian of Jan. 28 reported that there had been 10 terrorist attacks in Istanbul , Ankara and Adana on Jan. 21-28 , causing substantial damage to US and other allied military and business interests .
13 Her high-handed personal style , it appeared , had created widespread hostility to her , which surfaced in the course of the trial , especially when it became known that there had been blatant intimidation of witnesses .
14 The first two chapters of Moses and Monotheism were first published as articles in Imago ( 1937 and 1938 ) , and sought to establish , in purely historical terms , that there had been two figures with the name ‘ Moses ’ in Jewish development .
15 Meanwhile , it seems that there had been two successors in Stockport .
16 I mentioned this to a Fetlar man who used to hunt otters for their pelts , as many crofters did and he could tell me that there had been pale-coated otters in that area for at least fifty years .
17 The Home Office originally announced that no prisoners had been injured , but it was finally admitted that 54 had been , and that there had been criminal assaults on prisoners by staff .
18 It was confirmed that there had been broad agreement on establishing a ceiling of 6,000 on the overall combined number of nuclear warheads .
19 Daly stressed the narrowness of most reefs and showed , from examples where the rate of reef growth is known , that there had been ample time in the Post-glacial period for the growth of modern reefs .
20 Comparing , for fixed-term contract workers , the results of the 1984 survey with those of the 1980 survey we found that there had been little change .
21 Three-quarters felt that there had been little feedback following its presentation .
22 But the coded language of the joint communiqué issued at the end of Churchill 's Washington visit of January 1952 showed that there had been little or no meeting of minds .
23 The Justice Tribunal Court of the state of Acre ruled that there had been insufficient evidence to convict Alves , who would now face a retrial .
24 That claim was denied but TV Licensing conceded that there had been insufficient grounds for obtaining the warrant .
25 Then the farmer admitted that there had been many applicants for the job already , but each had been driven out of the stall by the horse .
26 The report showed that there had been many changes and improvements since 1986 , but that some deficiencies remain .
27 On Jan. 25 , however , Tanjug quoted statements by four refugees from Shkodër who said that anti-Stalinist demonstrations had taken place there on Jan. 11 and 14 , involving up to 7,000 people ; that there had been many arrests ; and that police reinforcements were patrolling the city and the surrounding area .
28 The Chief of Staff of the Air Force , Vice-Marshal Momtazuddin Ahmed , confirmed publicly for the first time on May 10 the claim made eight days earlier by the head of the opposition Awami League Sheikh Hasina Wajed that there had been extensive damage to the country 's small fleet of aircraft .
29 In the court below she had also alleged that her husband was acting not only on his own behalf but as agent for the bank in obtaining her consent , that the bank was negligent and that there had been material misrepresentation , although the latter allegation was not pursued .
30 Gerard Collins , the Irish Foreign Minister , said that there had been general agreement that foreign policy should be better co-ordinated and that community institutions should be strengthened without substantially increasing the powers of the European Parliament ( EP ) .
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