Example sentences of "that if [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , there was the fear that if they secured the vote then they would destroy the delicate balance of the Constitution and much else besides .
2 ON THE eve of the FA Cup semi-finals Labour have hinted that if they win the General Election , Third and Fourth Division grounds may not have to become all-seat , despite the Taylor Report 's recommendations .
3 They 've told the couple that if they take the house the windows at least will be repaired .
4 Er th but do n't forget that , that if they make the transfer , if they give the house to you , is that what you mean , yes ?
5 Monika Wulf-Mathies , leader of the public service employees union , warned state and local community employers that if they rejected the arbitrators ' recommendations her union would call an immediate strike ballot .
6 They will not be aware initially that if they join the Society in the autumn they will obtain what is virtually three months ' free membership .
7 They hope that if they ignore the , the behaviour it will stop or they do n't believe their complaint will be taken seriously or that any action will be taken at all .
8 ‘ Tong Chou , ’ he said , using the pseudonym he had used in the Plantation that time ; knowing that if they checked the records they would find an entry there under that name and a face to match his face .
9 you know , in the one case you 're , you 're the representative of court the probation erm officer and they know that if they break the probation or you sort of erm do a bad report on them , maybe they 've got a suspended or something and they 'll , so you know there 's a , and , and you somehow have to handle that
10 Turning to the prices of individual stocks , in many cases the price is above par ( £100 ) because of the fall in interest rates , so investors have to take into account the fact that if they hold the stock to maturity they will incur a capital loss .
11 Silver has indicated that if they bought the ground it would be on a 6m mortgage over 20ish years … that has to be less than the %age of gate receipts they are giving the council now anyway ! ! !
12 They were sharp enough to realize that if they joined the party cell , they would likewise be cut off from their fellows for other reasons .
13 Some people have said that if they joined the t&g or ACTT the strike would have been over much quicker .
14 Henri Amiss , the branch manager [ in one of his moments of madness ] , promised them that if they won the debtor day part of the competition he would pay for their tickets .
15 The opposition Social Democratic Party ( SPD ) had restated that if they won the next election they would seek a complete ban on low-level flying .
16 It was clear to them in 1917 that if they smashed the local power structure , they were at least achieving some short-term practical aims , such as grabbing woods , estates , and livestock .
17 Hardly a week passed without Rabbi Schonfeld or his chief lieutenant and propagandist , Harry Goodman , mounting an attack against the RCM for dereliction of duty , implying that if they held the reins the race would be as good as won .
18 All three are already very powerful and know that if they used the Ring for their own purposes , good or otherwise , they would be wielding more power than they could cope with .
19 Erm but our summary really would be that if one followed the County Councils proposals , this county would end up with a severe housing shortage .
20 Mr David Hebblethwaite , secretary of the Liturgical Commission which helped produce the Alternative Service , said that if one translated the service back into the language of even 50 years ago , it would be ‘ pretty incomprehensible ’ .
21 Mr David Hebblethwaite , secretary of the Liturgical Commission which helped produce the Alternative Service , said that if one translated the service back into the language of even 50 years ago , it would be ‘ pretty incomprehensible ’ .
22 I soon realized that if one reversed the direction of time in Penrose 's theorem , so that the collapse became an expansion , the conditions of his theorem would still hold , provided the universe were roughly like a Friedmann model on large scales at the present time .
23 However , we discovered that if one ate the prawns with the cinnamon meat sauce and mixed in lots of stir-fried manage-touts the results were marvellous .
24 Delphy points out that if one jettisoned the idea of the family as unit of stratification , using economic criteria to classify individuals instead , most wives would come out below their husbands .
25 In fact , it was suggested that if one criticised the policies , then one was seen by government to be destructive .
26 ‘ Penman said just now that there was a river down there , beyond the garden , and that if one climbed the hill one could see the sea .
27 This study could be seen as a pilot study that gives an intimation that if one has the right methodology the data which is yielded can be richer than that created from other methods .
28 Three years ago Darlington Health Authority entered into a commitment with the Leukaemia Unit Fund that if we raised the £250,000 required for building and equipping a new unit they would provide the necessary staff and resources .
29 It was felt one of the reasons for doing the video originally , was that if we had the film of the lesson we 'd all have a common ground , did n't matter whose lesson it was .
30 They know that if we veto the changes to the Treaty of Rome , they 'll have to start from scratch , and none of the institutions of the EC would have any legal or political purchase over what they are doing …
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