Example sentences of "that has been made [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you look , for example , at the case that has been made for the protection of the rainforest , you will find that it is peppered with every conceivable argument .
2 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
3 There has been a substantial advance in real-terms pay under our Administration , and this year the pay award that has been made for the current year is increasing the teachers ' pay bill overall by 11.3 per cent .
4 Would it be the , the will of the general assembly that we take a vote on the amendment that has been , the addendum that has been made to number two at this stage ?
5 According to David Hume , the subject of the next chapter , Berkeley 's account of abstract ideas was ‘ one of the greatest and most valuable discoveries that has been made of late years in the republic of letters ’ .
6 I am sure you are as appalled as I am at the use that has been made of the private letter of a schoolboy to his parents , but it is certainly a lesson for you in the ways of the world . ’
7 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
8 Composing himself , Sir Michael pressed on : ‘ Would my Right Honourable Friend reflect on the great progress that has been made during the last 10 years in the well-being of our country and the competitiveness of our industries and …
9 This is a matter that is worth some brief discussion , since it is closely connected with the fuss that has been made about the application of the term ‘ altruism ’ to animal as to human behaviour .
10 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex visuo-spatial processes .
11 On the basis of these split-brain studies , the most general statement that has been made about right hemisphere specialisation is that they are non-linguistic functions that seem to involve complex viso-spatial processes .
12 Secondly , I shall be making a speech tomorrow in Wales in which I shall review in detail the massive progress that has been made under the valleys initiative , and I hope that every
13 Despite the considerable progress that has been made under this Government in encouraging employee share ownership , will the Minister take careful note of the recent KPMG Management Consulting report which shows ways in which the qualifying employee-share option trusts can be made more flexible and therefore likely to be more widely used by companies and available to more employees in subsequent years of Conservative government ?
14 But the defendant is left with a grievance and , in those circumstances , what I feel obliged to do is to accept the application that has been made on his behalf and to discharge you from returning a verdict in this case . ’
15 If would-be choreographers examine Ashton 's The Dream they will discover the significant development that has been made in the structure of the old kind of romantic ballet .
16 Drug testing also may disproportionally victimise members of racial minority groups whose subcultures sanction casual marijuana smoking , reversing much of the progress that has been made in eliminating employment discrimination .
17 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
18 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
19 He began by commenting on the dramatic progress that has been made in the understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric chemical processes during the past 20 years .
20 I think also we have to look at how we share the progress that has been made in the statutory services with the people in private care .
21 In this way , I hoped that most people would be able to share in the excitement and feeling of achievement in the remarkable progress that has been made in physics in the last twenty-five years .
22 I have already explained , I think three times , in the hearing of President Delors why this Government are not prepared to put at risk the striking progress that has been made in industrial relations in this country since 1979 .
23 In view of the congestion on motorways and major trunk roads , do not those figures still fall short of what is necessary and desirable , despite the improvement that has been made in the past three years ?
24 I beg to move , That this House welcomes the great progress that has been made in employment and the reduction of strikes since 1979 and condemns the employment policies of the Labour Party , particularly its proposals to encourage strikes , to accept every aspect of the European Commission 's Social Action Programme and to impose a national statutory minimum wage , all of which would significantly increase burdens on British employers , undermine competitiveness and destroy jobs .
25 Part of the progress that has been made in our area has been the establishment of the Shropshire training and enterprise council .
26 The start that has been made in Shrewsbury , however , is extremely encouraging for my constituency and for the people of Shropshire in general .
27 The reason I shall vote against the motion and for the amendment could n't have been put more succinctly than it was by Mr , I think Mr made the most pertinent remark that has been made in the debate today , when in opposition to what Mr said about individual freedom he said this is a matter of personal conscience .
28 Is it not a fact that the very serious death threat that has been made against a British citizen — a death threat made by someone who is , in effect , the leader of a foreign country with which we have diplomatic relations is of such importance that we should have a statement at the earliest opportunity ?
29 In this section we examine the contribution to the crisis that has been made by the sentencing decisions of the courts .
30 " We are all very proud of the progress that has been made by France in Cochin-China and the other lands of the French Indochinese Union in recent years .
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