Example sentences of "that we [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Besides disagreeing with Descartes about the exact constitution of our idea of mind , Locke also disagreed with the claim that we know the real nature of mind .
2 Hence the total differential dXi = 0 and we have the set of equations from which the vj may be found in terms of the spatial coordinates provided that we know the explicit form of .
3 We are of course aware that educational levels may be important at some stage , but we do not pre-classify in this way because we do not assume beforehand that we know the sociolinguistic structure of the speech community : this is what we are trying to find out !
4 The scenes of Jurassic or Cretaceous landscapes in picture books show dinosaurs swarming over the landscape , giving the impression that we know the whole story .
5 There is a strand of social theory which says that society is defined by its transgressors , that we know the civilised values that bind us together only through their breach , which we call crime .
6 And since , through election by the princes , the kingdom and the empire are ours from God alone , Who at the time of the passion of His Son Christ subjected the world to dominion by the two swords ( Luke 22:38 ) and since the apostle Peter taught this doctrine ‘ fear God , honour the King ’ ( Peter 2:17 ) whosoever says that we received the imperial crown as a benefice from the lord pope contradicts the divine ordinance and the doctrine of Peter and is guilty of a lie …
7 It was vital that we understood the political infighting between the ‘ moderates ’ and the ‘ radicals ’ there as it seemed more relevant to John and the other British hostages .
8 I now turn to the second problem : If what we do is determined by some grand unified theory , why should the theory determine that we draw the right conclusions about the universe rather than the wrong ones ?
9 Whilst we also believe increasing amounts of renewable energy must be harnessed in future , our long-standing service to landscape protection meant that we saw the environmental costs of doing this perhaps more clearly than others .
10 This pleased him , that we knew the proper response .
11 It is with great sadness that we announce the unexpected and tragically early death of June Bascombe on 21 August in the Intensive Care Unit of Epsom Hospital .
12 ‘ Like any hobby or job , it 's vital that we speak the same language , understand the same flying terms .
13 It was on one of Mike 's rest days , when I went along with Christophe to do some sound recordings , that we got the first view of what was to become an obsession for Mike and me over the next two and a half years .
14 It is not true that certain other events or conditions might have occurred such that we got the solar conditions but not last night .
15 What the right hon. Gentleman should bear in mind , if he cares about real prosperity for this country , is making sure that we get the economic basics of inflation and the exchange rate correct so that we can get sustainable investment for the long term , not the short-term gimmicks that the right hon. Gentleman embraces .
16 Such an amendment might well be needed , but it is more important that we get the European eco-labelling scheme up and running .
17 ‘ As the University is so pressurised for space we must make sure now that we get the best courses that we possibly can and that they will earn the income to justify their inception . ’
18 Our new research strategy ensures that we get the best possible value from that and , above all , apply the lessons .
19 Of course , er we er , the provisos must be er that the er , that the prices or the costs at the Nuffield remain as competitive as they are at the moment , and of course , that we get the same very high quality that we er , that we already have .
20 A good answer is that we regard the causal circumstance as leaving no room for any other eventuality than the effect .
21 Can I minute that we thank the green team ?
22 If the Butcher insisted that we attend the measuring process barefoot there were two problems .
23 Erm the other part of course of quality control is making sure that partners and staff er to speak on quality er er it is ess essential that we attend the necessary courses to keep us up to date , it is essential er that the er that we get our C P units , it is essential that staff are not withdrawn from er training courses er when there 's a pressing client there er so that we should er ensure that everybody gets the necessary training to achieve this objective .
24 Imagine that we regress the actual price index on its own past values : where the , β i 's are the coefficients to be estimated and is a zero mean , constant variance , random error .
25 That we advocate the immediate implementation of the Scottish Old People 's Chapter , to strive to maintain and improve the standard of living of pensioners by ensuring that the pension will rise according to the cost of living or er or livings or earnings , which er whichever is the most advantageous .
26 That we advocate the immediate implementation of the Scottish Old People 's Chapter to strive to maintain and improve the standard of living of pensioners by ensuring that the pension will rise according to the cost of living or earnings , whichever is er is the most ad advantageous .
27 Surely it 's time to talk to the United States about how they succeed by having a minimum wage in most states and giving trade union rights to people that we deny the same firms employees in this country .
28 ‘ I propose that we banish the two O'Malley brothers from this part of the country for good , ’ Tim Skerritt said .
29 The joke was that it was sometime later that we learnt the whole affair had been staged by Basil who had been in earlier to go through his in-tray and deal with the important memos , etc .
30 And I would be the last person to advocate that we follow the American practice of litigation er to the extremes that they pursue it in the States .
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