Example sentences of "that she have [adv] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Dr McCallum added that she had rarely been asked to help anyone end their life , though relatives sometimes asked , using the argument ‘ you would n't let a dog die in this way ’ .
2 It transpired that she had also been one of a party at the Hall the same day .
3 She once reported to Robert Landgrebe , marketing manager , in a voice of genuine shock that she had just been on an aeroplane with three accountants ‘ and do you know , they tried to talk to me about design ’ .
4 He strode away without giving her a chance to speak , leaving her with the distinct impression that she had just been steamrollered .
5 Why did she get the distinct impression that she had just been steamrollered ?
6 She realised , wearily , almost too tired to care , that she had just been made the butt of a joke .
7 But , after nearly an hour , it was obvious that she had simply been brought to this near-empty building and left for the police to find her .
8 Then she rode home feeling a bit ashamed that she had n't been as brave as she felt sure a proper Brownie ought to have been in face of danger .
9 She knew that the job of breaking the news was n't a routine chore , that she had n't been chosen merely because she was the only woman in his team and he saw this as a woman 's job .
10 That she had n't been taken in , was what he had said !
11 It irritated her to think that she had n't been doing anything reckless like running to catch a bus ; but she had a private theory that an old person did n't break a hip because she fell , but fell because her hip snapped , after gradual erosion .
12 She might have known that all of her efforts would end like this ; it was simply a truth that she had n't been wanting to face .
13 It was a pity that she had n't been able to use one of his handkerchiefs , a strand of his hair .
14 But she finally admitted that she had n't been in the ship at the time .
15 He seemed disappointed that she had n't been the one on the music track , but not too much .
16 And it was even more important that he should see , also , that she had n't been deflected by persuasive words and looks , kisses that seemed to draw her soul from her body .
17 She bows her head , disappointed that she had n't been able to do more for herself .
18 One of the speakers , Dr Margaret Collinson , wrote to Roy on 17 September to the effect that she had n't been told the venue , date or time of her paper .
19 It was only when she was reasonably sober , when , say , she woke up in the morning , head throbbing , tongue parched , that she suspected in retrospect that she had n't been quite so rationally conscious of those selfsame thoughts and actions …
20 Damn you , she wanted to say , suddenly hating him as she hated realising that while he had watched her reading from the Palmer & Pearson file that night — she had been oblivious that she had n't been wearing her spectacles — but not so him !
21 That she had n't been sleeping properly , finding herself tossing and turning , ending up with twisted sheets and pulverised pillows ?
22 It was n't that she had n't been talking to Mandy , it was just that she had let her displeasure over that application be felt for an entire week now .
23 She was as sure as she could be that she had n't been followed , but she knew she would n't breathe freely again until she was airborne .
24 She realised at once that he could be forgiven if he reminded her that she had n't been too sugary herself during that phone call : but he did nothing of the kind , though he did allow himself a small smirk before all trace of a smile went from him .
25 Well last time we saw her , she said that she had n't been I think she went in her bedroom now , or in the toilet . .
26 Later she was to wish that she had neither been so deceitful , nor so colourful , but at the time excitement and expediency combined carried her away .
27 Might not some echo of it reach her mind , so that she would know someone of hers had been near ; that she had not been deserted ?
28 This particular person had found the shock so great that she had not been able to acknowledge it at all except by taking this evading action .
29 But how sad that she had not been able to say that to the one person who really longed to hear it .
30 She explained that she had not been able to bring herself to discuss things with them , although she had managed to speak to her married brother , who had been very supportive and helpful .
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