Example sentences of "that you [modal v] [vb infin] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I asked her to prepare everything as it might be in America , so that you would feel at home .
2 Can you please let me know if you would be willing to take this booking on a regular basis , commencing with Saturday 20th November 1993 and if so the charge that you would make to us .
3 Is , is there anybody else that you would want to con want to discuss it with ?
4 Grainne said slowly , ‘ It is to be expected that you would despair at times , ’ and Bec responded at once , ‘ Oh no .
5 And private management means that you would go to a bank or stockbroker , and then you would pay them an annual fee , and there would be other charges , you know for selling er and buying of shares ,
6 Although it is unlikely that you would rely on this person for the totality of the medical evidence , they will be in the best position , where the plaintiff is in the early stages of recovery , to give a comprehensive report on the injuries sustained , the treatment given and the present position .
7 I could not possibly entertain the mad supposition that you would stay at Mannheim , where there is no longer a court …
8 There may be occasions when the time involved in the journey home means that you would arrive with a pile of wilted , or even dead , flowers , in which case there must be some forward planning .
9 If you feel able to lend this item , therefore , perhaps you could also let me know the value that you would place on it .
10 well — he was solid — but no real — saves — . just the stuff that you would expect from — any — keeper playing in the premiership .
11 A court might also take into account your salary level , skill and qualifications , together with , possibly , the difficulty that you would have in finding another suitable post .
12 A court might also take into account your salary level , skill and qualifications , together with , possibly , the difficulty that you would have in finding another suitable post .
13 Is it a job that you would need to really , you would need to be trained for it ?
14 Erm er so er you know it may be that you would need to work , and I 'm sure they would probably expect you to have worked with offenders erm
15 Now on twenty two and a half thousand , bearing in mind that you would n't have the costs of going to work erm your travelling expenses and everything that you would occur in work you would most probably be able to keep all of these
16 It 's hardly surprising that you would turn to food for comfort under these circumstances .
17 Anything about the statement itself , or , or the interview itself , that you would object to on behalf of ?
18 If you do decide that you would gain from having a proper appraisal system then start with a simple approach and stick closely to it .
19 ‘ Oh , parties , clubs , nothing that you would know about , since you 're three hundred years older than me . ’
20 Erm I would imagine Tukuse that the the difference that you put in difference that you would get between the reportage , to use a French expression , of Princess Diana 's abdication from public life was probably quite pronounced between say for example the Sun newspaper and the Independent newspaper I would imagine that the Independent newspaper probably did n't play in any great significance , it was probably on the front page , perhaps not with a picture but erm there was a couple of columns of report erm the Independent is famous as being the newspaper which when Prince Charles and Lady Diana got married many years ago , they reported it with a single paragraph saying Prince Charles and Diana , the whole world went made at the Royal Wedding and the Independent had one paragraph , which many people , including myself , said right on .
21 I would hope that you would see beyond that , and issues like it , the primary claims of Christ in his Church , to love him and to promote him as Lord of the Church .
22 I think you 're suggesting that the local government would do a lot more if the national government would allow it , and I suspect you 're a Labour member of the Oxfordshire County Council and I think that you would point at the Conservative central government as being , if not deliberately anti-women , then the effect of some of it 's policies seemed to indicate that that 's where it 's heading .
23 For this reason I always emphasise that if , as you complete the final turn , you are happy that you have got the field ‘ made ’ , you should always open full airbrake for a few moments to check that you would undershoot with that setting .
24 Pronto is erm an area of the store where we sell our occasional furniture and erm small priced coffee tables , hi-fi units the occasional furniture that may go erm whereas up until a couple of years ago we use to display this product around the showroom floor part of the new concept stores was that we actually set the same section in the showroom which is very much like a a shelving system whereby the stock actually sits on the shelves , the customer walks in and it 's an easy easy purchase straight off the trolley erm very much like the supermarket operation so it 's the lower priced good value occasional type furniture the cash and carry the kind of things that you do n't need sales assistants for the kind of bookcase that you would put in your children 's bedroom that kind of thing .
25 It is no good speaking to a group in a large room with the same amount of voice that you would use for an intimate cosy chat to a friend close by your side .
26 Well it 's not a yes yes for the garden because I would n't have room for it but it 's certainly a yes yes in my shelter delt because the birds love the berries and it really encourages them to use that shelter delt but it is n't as , as easy to grow , it 's , one tends to think of the nature plant as a tough plant but I 've been trying to establish about thirty of these in the shelter delt and I 've found they object to any form of total weedkiller round the root , so all the , the weedkillers that you would use for the first couple of years maybe to , to keep the , the weeds from growing round the stems , they tend to get chlorotic and die .
27 Is that is that the kind of word that you would use about er
28 Describe in a paragraph or so , the strategy that you would use in this meeting .
29 I just thought that you would come after me and when you did n't …
30 We agreed that you would look at this to see whether there will be a need for something along the lines of your proposal once the Resource Book has been published .
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