Example sentences of "that for the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ However , in due course a few , a very few indeed , intelligent teachers came to take a cool look at what was happening and they realised that for the vast majority of children the majority of our educational processes add about as much to the mental stature of our children as a diet of sawdust would add to their physical stature … . ,
2 It seems that for the vast majority of dog owners , the very presence of canine company simply makes us feel good .
3 There is the irony : that , just when British Empirical Socialism had come to terms with the idea of a mixed economy , when it had accepted that for the indefinite future a public sector and a private sector would co-exist , when the tangle of objections which the Webbs had seen to the development of a privately-owned industrial co-operative sector had been so far cleared away as to open the path to a natural growth of industrial democracy by a means which , because it reconciled the rights and interests of labour with those of ownership , would have been sustainable , the Labour Government ignored or overlooked the opportunity .
4 The first defendant appealed on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the deputy judge had been wrong in law in holding that for the substituted section 9 ( b ) of the Wills Act 1837 to be satisfied the testator had to make his signature after making the dispositive provisions ; and ( 2 ) there was no sufficient evidence upon which the deputy judge could have found that the testator had not been of testamentary capacity at the time he had made and signed the alleged codicil on 18 April 1986 .
5 DUP councillor Sammy Wilson said that for the second year running he had been swamped with complaints from local people who feel they are living in ‘ eyesores ’ .
6 Roberts said it was ‘ pathetic ’ that for the second meeting with scientists in less than a week , the Tories had failed to send a spokesman .
7 The woodland shimmered , was still — a moment 's stifling summer silence , then the howl of the new season , a freezing wind bringing death and shedding so that for the second time in two minutes the land was drenched with fallen leaves and snow .
8 As measures of relative prosperity , the number of households with three or more cars in Easton is more than double that for the two district council areas in which it is located , and the quality of the housing stock and amenities is higher , with the proportion of households in Easton which have use of only an outside flush toilet being half that of the general area .
9 The House of Commons , understandably — again , with some justification but not with total justification — will assume that for the other member states the double hesitation by the United Kingdom was the crucial aspect of the agreements at Maastricht , but it was not .
10 What we can now see is that for the first timefor a very long epriod we have inflation at a ver low level and the clear prospect of growth without inflationary difficulties .
11 Many companies give an indication of how easy ( or difficult ! ) each plant is to raise so I 'd suggest that for the first year you stick with fairly easy ones , perhaps trying a couple of ‘ harder ’ ones .
12 And the final thing before , from me , before Mr starts for you , I wanted to welcome the fact that for the first year , there is a recognition of demographic growth change for social services , and I think that is most important .
13 One young farmer , Shermani Yussef , said that for the first time in his life he had been forced to lease some of his land to cover his losses .
14 Soutter , the fourth seed , thus beat the player who caused her exclusion from England 's world title-winning team , in a final that for the first time since 1979 contained neither of the Guernsey girls , Martine le Moignan and Lisa Opie .
15 Her eleventh novel , Gwendolen , has just been published and she says that for the first time she is writing for her soul .
16 Concerned at the rapid expansion of the hunt , and the declining stocks of small cetaceans around the coastline , the Iwate Prefecture in January 1989 instituted a licensing system , so that for the first time ever , the hunt could be regulated .
17 Masha nodded , saying that for the first time since Geneva she could feel the attraction of Communism .
18 But on 20 September the Commission announced that for the first time it would take Britain before the European Court of Justice .
19 Then he realised that for the first time he was looking into the front of a hurricane .
20 He realised that for the first time in weeks he had not thought of school , Murray , Fairbrother or the wretched affair of the letter .
21 What is interesting is that for the first time individual patrols would have radio communication via jeep-mounted No. 11 radio sets , but in the event of breakdowns they would also each take two pigeons .
22 There was the added complication that for the first time there would be a period of five minutes or so when I would have to shut inside my satchel not only my outdoor shoes but my gym shoes as well .
23 Warren pointed out that for the first time Britain was aiming to carry out speculative research .
24 While feeling a little sad at leaving , Mr. Offer said that for the first time he would be looking forward to an extra hour in bed in the morning .
25 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
26 I pursued the howling dog , hands clawed and teeth bared , stopping only when my rage was replaced by the realisation that for the first time in my life I 'd put another human being before myself .
27 Scientists then often speak of ‘ the scales falling from the eyes ’ or of the ‘ lightning flash ’ that ‘ inundates ’ a previously obscure puzzle , enabling its components to be seen in a new way that for the first time permits its solution .
28 Food shortages and the lack of heating or lighting in towns , and the time-consuming difficulties of finding ways round them for city-dwellers , meant that for the first time in a century , if not longer , life in the country was not to be despised .
29 Mrs Frizzell found it impossible to forgive Mrs Dawson 's becoming a widow the same week as her party ; a history of Mrs Dawson one night , and the remarks the following night of the lady secretary of the United Nations ' Society on the role of the Canadian peacekeeping force in Cyprus , had meant that for the first time in years no report of Mrs Frizzell 's party appeared , though room had been found for a report on one of Mrs Murphy 's receptions .
30 The new fact in the world 's history is that for the first time a great power with a formidable Navy , a population from which vast armies might be raised , and an economic and financial strength which might alone be decisive in any future conflict , is prepared to stake its own peace , not merely to guarantee its own interests , nor to further the partisan aims of its allies , but to make an end in the world of the possibility of prosperous aggression … . beyond the American continent her only interests are the open door to trade , freedom of the seas , and the maintenance of peace .
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