Example sentences of "that for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The bishop declared that for a clerk in holy orders to sit as a justice in eyre for forest pleas was contrary to the canons of the Church , and rendered him ineligible for an office involving the cure of souls .
2 In a very timely book , Israel 's Fateful Decisions , published shortly before the Intifada broke out , the Israeli scholar , General Yehoshavat Harkabi , wrote that for a settlement to be possible , both sides must first renounce their respective dreams or ‘ grand designs ’ — for the Zionists , the ‘ redemption ’ of all the Land of Israel , for the Palestinians , the ‘ liberation ’ of all the territory that once was theirs — and thereby end what he calls the absolute , ‘ existential ’ nature of the struggle .
3 I forgot that for a while during the '80s but I 'm back now , ’ Starr said .
4 However , common sense dictates that for a boy of 14 to be away from home and unsupported with no income , home or friends , is a very serious , vulnerable and lonely situation for him to be in , especially when this is for a period of three months .
5 The reason for this is that for a vocabulary of size L , there exist Li-1 different histories .
6 Later , it will be shown that for a variety of reasons such students within these departments produce theses which are seldom published , cited , or consulted .
7 Edward Thompson maintains that for a variety of reasons traditional pursuits were strongly resilient through the eighteenth century and were weakened only by forces which developed in the nineteenth .
8 There could be no doubt that for a man on foot this was the quickest way from Riddle 's house to Jordan 's farm .
9 But he realised that for a man like Lancaster — trusting and timid — the betrayal would have been much , much worse .
10 She continued , ‘ I would have thought that for a man in your position , required to make countless decisions every day , such a weakness would prove to be a considerable handicap . ’
11 Yet not too long afterwards , it was suggested that for a salesman with 20 years ' continuous employment , three years was an appropriate improvement period ; many would think that to be erring on the high side .
12 Immediate matters arising from the appointment of Louis Gerstner as the next chairman and chief executive of IBM Corp : Gerstner says he made three IBM executive decisions — all of them undisclosed — during the five-block walk from the Midtown Manhattan Hilton where the announcement of his appointment was made and IBM 's Madison Avenue offices ; and while many say that it has looked to be that way for most of this year , it seems that for a couple of days , IBM really will be leaderless , because John Akers says he will resign at today 's board meeting , and Gerstner is not due to take up his posts until Thursday .
13 ‘ But I only stuck that for a couple of weeks , ’ he says , ‘ for I was playing guitar at a party one night in Cleveland , Ohio , and he said there were easier ways of making money out there than working the building sites .
14 I feel that for a country with so much to offer , it 's a great pity that people do not take more advantage of what 's available .
15 Willie Queen , Scottish regional secretary of the TGWU , said : ‘ This study shows that for a country like Scotland to function properly , an integrated and high-quality public transport system is not a luxury , it is a necessity . ’
16 We have seen that for a reaction to be spontaneous must be positive .
17 I do take into account that for a lot of people , pop artists are role models so you have to be careful about what you are doing .
18 The fact that for a lot of the time she was on-guard disturbed him .
19 The whole subject was brought to a sudden climax when Hilbert in 1888 showed that for a form of any degree in any number of variables a finite " basis " always exists — and this without giving any indication of how to find such a set in any particular instance !
20 ‘ such a policy of insurance or security ’ The prosecution must show that the insurance , if any is produced , does not conform to the requirements of section 143 , Road Traffic Act 1988 , as section 147 ( 1 ) of that Act requires that for a policy to be effective , the insurers must deliver a certificate in the prescribed form to the assured .
21 The practical effect of this wording is that for a claim to be covered the casualty must be reasonably attributable to an identifiable accident the source of which is external to the craft — thus the craft filling with water on its moorings over a period of weeks and then foundering would not be covered .
22 The usual formula is that for a period of time ending on the expiry of the initial period the parties will attempt to renegotiate the prices to apply for a further fixed period .
23 The courts have recently demonstrated a reaction against an absurdly over-generous approach to the construction of agreements in the employee 's favour : see Home Counties Dairies Ltd v Skilton [ 1970 ] 1 WLR 526 in which the defendant was employed by the plaintiffs as a milkman and he expressly agreed that for a period of one year after his employment terminated he would not 'serve or sell milk or dairy produce " to any person who had been a customer of his employers and who had been served by him during the six months prior to his leaving .
24 He had contacted UNIT HQ and had confirmed that for a period in the 1970s and 1980s there had been a scientific advisor to Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart .
25 It is thought that for a house in the high-rate stratum the assets are about four times as great as for one in the low-rate stratum , and that the stratum standard deviation is proportional to the square root of the stratum mean .
26 However , it is known that for a number of avionic items removed there are a varying number of components which are subsequently diagnosed as ‘ no fault found ’ .
27 On the one hand , the antisemitism of ‘ anti-immigrant ’ fascist parties might be seen as an anachronism , arising from the fact that for a number of years such parties were led by a generation who were raised in conditions of widespread antisemitism .
28 That must be extremely dubious , considering that for a number of years the payments were made under protest .
29 It has been estimated that for every hour of brisk walking , you can add one extra hour to the length of your life .
30 We ought first to remind ourselves that for every type of animal throughout time there has always been a most convenient size that has fitted it neatly into its own niche .
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