Example sentences of "that it has [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You inform by making sure that the programme is not just froth and bubble , that it has genuine body .
2 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
3 Many artists are now drawn to it , and find that it has other attractions than the records of the burial of kings : they love to paint the children who come to meet the tourist with wave-worn pebbles from the sacred isle , and also the scenery of Mull , and the many lochs that indent that isle of bold headlands and rugged mountains masses , as they are seen from Iona .
4 This does not mean that the group is clandestine but rather that it has other characteristics of a conspiracy ; in particular , common purpose and internal communication on significant issues .
5 As well as distributing the new version 1.2 of Aspect , due out at the end second quarter , Goldmine claims that it has other distribution deals in the pipeline to be announced over the next few weeks .
6 It need not , therefore , be related to any act performed in the belief that it has normative consequences .
7 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
8 This makes sense when taken together with IBM Europe 's statement that it has excess manufacturing capacity : rather than close the plants straight away , it has thrown them to the market — they will get business from IBM but only as long as they can provide products at the going market rate .
9 Greenpeace anti-nuclear campaigner Bridget Woodman said : ‘ Nuclear Electric wants to operate Sizewell B in the full knowledge that it has sub-standard components and an increased potential for a disastrous accident . ’
10 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
11 Edinburgh District Council have been consulted and officials from their Planning Department have looked at the route and agreed that it has good potential .
12 We are satisfied it will be a valuable asset for the immediate area and that it has considerable support from the community . ’
13 Legacies can also be sought more easily if the organisation can show that it has charitable status .
14 Sport as part of ‘ The News ’ means that it has national significance and is part of the cultural heritage of the audience .
15 It is popularly assumed that it has medicinal benefits , but there is no evidence whatever to support this , and much evidence to the contrary .
16 The fact that it has well-defined aims and a specific medium of operation also augurs well for its successful continuation .
17 The terms should also make it clear that the committee has the power to investigate matters within its brief and that it has full access to information .
18 KPMG warrants and undertakes that it has full power and authority under the Financial Services Act 1986 and otherwise to make the Offer on behalf of Client .
19 He says that that it shows a revival of gothicism which coincided with the development of the new classicism , and that it has clear connections with the work of Nanni di Banco and Ghiberti .
20 Dr Peter Simpson , formerly regional medical officer in Mersey region , and Ainna Fawcett Henesy , director of nursing in South East Thames region , have joined the group to ensure that it has open channels of communication with the professions .
21 Health and safety watchdogs say they 're not convinced that it has sufficient safety measures in place to protect passengers .
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