Example sentences of "that it was [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the same breath as admitting that Lightning , the high-end , super-pipelined Sparc chip that it was developing in conjunction with LSI Logic Corp and Hyundai Electronics , was n't going to strike after all , Metaflow Technology also began to talk about a next-generation effort in design that would follow ( UX No 273 ) .
2 It is believed that it was built as a chantry chapel in memory of Robert de Tattershall who died in 1121 .
3 The purpose of the south mound , which excavation has shown not to be burial , is unclear , but dendrochronology , a method which dates timber according to the pattern of its tree-rings , indicates that it was built between c.960 and c.970 .
4 Standing on the beautifully tended grass of Jesus Green and watching a throng of tourists , language students and local people enjoying the tranquillity of the lock , it is hard to believe that it was built for commerce rather than leisure .
5 The major axis of Stonehenge is aligned with the exact positions of the midwinter and midsummer solstice , leading to suggestions that it was built for ceremonies to mark the annual calendar and seasons .
6 There 's only one , and it says that it was built in ninety one , and it was n't , it was built in ninety three .
7 But the Chinese embassy in Oslo , where the prize is awarded , reacted with accusations that it was meddling in China 's internal affairs , the stock response to any foreign commentary deemed hostile to China 's rule of Tibet .
8 If the human mind had been created in such a way that it was matched to the intelligibility of nature , then the possibility of secure scientific knowledge could be affirmed .
9 Beyond that it was replaced by walrus tusk and even whale-bone .
10 The CEGB denied that it was intended as a bribe .
11 He uttered a short sharp bark , which made Rosie jump ; she assumed it was a cough , then realised that it was intended as an expression of amusement .
12 An expensive film may well be a flop ( Blade Runner cost $27 million yet took under $15 million in North American ( NA ) rentals , which are traditionally supposed to cover negative — that is production — costs for break-even ) ; the fact that it was intended to be profitable puts it in the domain of popular cinema .
13 It is not very clear whether section 17(2) adds a third element or is subsumed in ( b ) , but it is clear that it was intended to be more difficult to obtain an interlocutory injunction in trade dispute cases than in others .
14 A report of the work was typed by the school secretary but its informal style and the sometimes cryptic references to individual children make it clear that it was intended for internal circulation only .
15 Of the country 's three nuclear reactors in Yongbyon , one 50-100 megawatt plant was not connected to the national grid , thereby indicating that it was intended for weapons production .
16 It had the advantage of not only offering a system of training ( that it was intended by Rudolf Laban for the retraining of ballet dancers did not deter physical educationalists from transferring it to colleges and schools ) , but also of offering a rationale .
17 Unfortunately , problems still remain with regard to delivery and it seems that in the case of an individual delivery will still be necessary as the old law still applies , with the result that a document will be treated as delivered when it is clear that it was intended by one of the parties that he was to be bound by the terms of the document .
18 quoted with approval a passage in Jervis on Coroners , 9th ed. ( 1957 ) , p. 179 , now to be found in the 10th ed. p. 197 , that any conflict between a verdict of lack of care and rule 33 of the Coroners Rules 1953 , now rule 42 of the Rules of 1984 , can be obviated by making sure that the verdict does not state that the death was aggravated by the lack of care of any particular person or persons but merely states that it was aggravated by lack of care .
19 If Day-Lewis is the movie 's greatest strength then its most noticeable defect is that it was shot by two different cinematog-raphers , often with the same scene lit very differently as if taking place at contrasting times of day .
20 Edwin and Robert Grabhorn , who founded the Grabhorn Press in San Francisco in 1920 , worked so amicably together that it was said of them : ‘ When Ed 's away the shop goes to pieces ; when Bob 's away , Ed goes to pieces ’ ; but it would be a mistake to think that relationships between printers were always so harmonious .
21 Later , in England , it occurred to her that it might have been said ironically , but by then she had forgotten the context and intonation of it , could only remember that it was said under hot sun outside the Maison Carrée in Nîmes , where the air was fluent and the stones shone .
22 The study was criticised on a number of grounds , principally that it was based on a small sample of children ( 950 ) in an area of England ( Cheshire ) in which informal methods were far from common .
23 A remarkable feature of this decision of the House of Lords was that it was based on almost no judicial authority at all .
24 As soon as he looked out of the window on the morning after he arrived ( he tells them ) and saw what the place was like , he realized that it was based on the tutorial system .
25 The budget package was consistent with those of recent years in that it was based on some fairly optimistic projections concerning the future development of the economy .
26 The key attraction of British Caledonian to SAS was that it was based in Gatwick airport — a key hub airport .
27 Chiles 's victory was particularly impressive in that it was based upon a campaign which included the explicit rejection of negative campaigning tactics — despite personal attacks upon him by his opponents — and the renunciation of " money politics " in the form of a refusal to accept campaign contributions greater that $100 .
28 Moreover , a third party may be prohibited from using confidential information where he obtains the information with actual knowledge that it was received as a result of a breach of confidence .
29 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
30 If the National Health Service Management Executive was to tackle this issue it might find that it was pushing at an open door .
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