Example sentences of "that it [verb] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Moreover , it is socially important for the way that it demystifies such manoeuvres .
2 Mrs. Jones did not understand that it had that effect , notwithstanding that the creditor 's solicitor went through the mortgage with her and explained it to her before she signed .
3 Again and again in the responses to our 1989 survey of all heads , those in Phase 3 schools commented negatively on their PNP staffing : that it had little impact ; that it even exacerbated their previous staffing problems ; that it was too little too late ; that the LEA did not understand the problems which their schools were trying to tackle .
4 It will also handle both little and big endian byte ordering so as to be able to run personal computer operating systems such as Windows NT as well as Unix , although the company denied that it had any plans to support NT on it — the capability is simply there if anyone wants it in the future , the company said .
5 Gina 's friends told him that this was a ‘ personal canvas ’ and that it had more integrity than conventional beautified portraiture .
6 The most telling comment on the wealth of the metropolis is that it had more men worth upwards of £100 than most other towns had taxpayers of all grades ; indeed , the number of four-figure assessments equalled the total taxpayers of some tiny market towns .
7 She could tell by the feel of it that it had some papers inside , but she did not look at them .
8 Out of the rock 's foot grew a shadow so dark that it contained all colours .
9 Not only were we going through the timid rituals of conventional courtship after a six-month diet of take-away sex , but I was the one who insisted that it stay that way until we were legally united .
10 Some managers are convinced that PRP will improve performance and raise income , but there 's hardly any evidence that it produces any improvements .
11 People need to see what they 're eating but the light must never be so bright that it kills any atmosphere you 're trying to achieve .
12 Very soon , even before they went under dome , Arcady surrounded them from horizon to horizon , its size so prodigious that it banished all Ari 's ideas of what a city might be .
13 It seems unlikely that the dance was copied into the score at the wrong point : if it had been , one would expect to find it headed by some warning that it belonged several pages later — otherwise severe complications would result in orchestral parts copied from the score .
14 That is why , on the costing basis , we are right to say that it represents another 10p in the pound on basic income tax .
15 Pepe 's Bar was situated on the sand , with rough wooden flooring that Shelley used to think could n't take much more of the stamping that it got each Saturday during the flamenco dancing .
16 The word ‘ sweet ’ is used so often throughout the scene that it loses all worth , in the same way that a Chaucerian epithet such as ‘ fresshe ’ comes to mean almost the opposite when continually applied to January 's wife May in The Merchant 's Tale .
17 Such was the novelty of this circuit that it provoked much debate in the technical press as to its operation .
18 While he agrees that it involves more risk , it does not deter him .
19 An object of a particular date in a particular context does not automatically mean that it dates that context : a context often contains artefacts of quite different dates , and it is the archaeologists 's task to arrive at an interpretation that fits all the facts .
20 Images of Nazism and the war appear so often on the screen that it took some effort to realise that these were real people inside those costumes ; that the peaked cap and leather boots were n't on hire from the wardrobe department .
21 They would have married sooner but had to wait for her divorce ; Pamela Chrimes told me that it took some time to obtain the evidence of adultery which was then necessary .
22 The responsibility had lain so heavily that it took some time to readjust .
23 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
24 Such was the official secrecy , or confusion , that it took several weeks to confirm that no RCM boys were among the casualties .
25 Frequently the results were so error-prone that it took more effort to correct the translation than it actually did to manually translate the text .
26 Rather , the fact that it made any headway at all bears witness to the degree to which wide sections of the British public became alarmed by the apparent drift of Chamberlain 's foreign policy .
27 Not that it made any difference to the dead .
28 The Philips Report was so concerned about the increasing proportion of elderly people in the population that it thought some rise in the minimum pension-age inevitable .
29 I can assert of the oldest tree in the park ( if there is such a tree ) that it is an oak , but I can also say of the sentence " The oldest tree in the park is an oak " that it means the same , or that it expresses same thought as , say , its French or Chinese translation , irrespective of whether it says anything true .
30 The problem with such a characterisation of pluralism is that it bears little resemblance to what pluralists actually say pluralism means , and consequently it is hardly surprising that even the most cursory of empirical investigations can show such a naive version of pluralism is untenable as a description of the distribution of power in Western liberal democracies .
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