Example sentences of "that it [verb] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The city used to claim that it had some of the cleanest air in Latin America .
2 ’ I think the advisory committee is entitled to make the comments that it feels appropriate to the situation that it is addressing . ’
3 A police officer said he suspected an enormous volume of explosives was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
4 One police officer said he suspected a vast amount of explosive was stockpiled inside one of the buildings and that it exploded due to careless handling .
5 If someone , looking at a flower , said , ‘ It 's blue ’ , on account of what he saw , drawing no inferences , and not lying , then it would be psychologically true to say that it looked blue to him even though it would be linguistically odd to say this if one had no reason to doubt that the flower was blue .
6 It is interesting and perhaps unusual that it developed first in politics but now is used more and more in commerce and industry .
7 This pattern of land distribution reflects such great disparities and brings about so much poverty that it represents one of the major problems that agrarian reform has addressed .
8 And she had to confess , much as she hated to , that it felt nice to be on amicable terms with Jake .
9 To be sure , the great apes behave so intelligently and have such a rich social life that it seemed extraordinary to many people that they could not learn to speak .
10 No disrespect to Philip Young , the conductor , or to any of the performers , but I have to agree with the member of the audience sitting behind me who commented that it seemed more of a damp squib than a big band !
11 Cardiff had supervised the clearance of the office block , noting wryly that it seemed easier to clear everyone out than it had been to get his original team established .
12 Dr Mike Mosson , director personnel at the Royal Bank , says the bank has a policy of ‘ positive assistance ’ and ‘ positive encouragement ’ towards women , although he insists that it falls short of positive discrimination .
13 He undid his tie so that it hung loose around his neck and unfastened the top few buttons on his shirt .
14 It was true that it followed close on a humiliation for British arms the loss of the fortress of Tobruk in North Africa and the withdrawal of the Eighth Army to the Egyptian frontier .
15 If you choose a backing in the middle of the tonal range , such as a bright turquoise green , its colour will be so strong that it overpowers those of the pressed materials .
16 It was New Year 's Eve and the midnight sky was still bright : Punta Arenas is at 53°S , and although on a similar longitude to Halifax has been shunted , by Professor Dowd 's descendants , into the same time zone as New York — all of which means that it stays light for a great deal longer than in most cities , and we celebrated the coming of the New Year in almost broad daylight .
17 It is pale , with very small eyes , suggesting that it spends much of its time underground .
18 The same table also shows that the proportion of women qualifying for unemployment benefit increased over the years so that it surpassed that of men .
19 I would emphasize first , here speaking as one who has in the past given evidence on behalf of the Government , that the value of the scrutiny process is in part that it forces those with more direct power to consider their positions and their arguments carefully and to defend them in the face of public questioning by a Committee whose members may have long experience of the subject-matter involved .
20 The value of a condensing boiler is that it retrieves most of the expensively generated heat from flue gases and puts this heat back into the system .
21 Mrs Patient of Bracknell , Berks , said : ‘ I could n't believe that it took four of them to stand there and say they could n't do the work until after the New Year .
22 The voice was so absent and tired that it took some of the chill from the words .
23 Mr it 's been suggested from my plaintiff that it took ten to fifteen minutes to enter and secure the flat by the firearms officers .
24 War was declared in August 1914 but it was not until the following year that it made much of an impression on the affairs of the Union .
25 Orion informs me that it sold 60,000 of the revamped hardback , at £3.99 a copy , even before transmission had started .
26 Mrs Stych was unloading savoury rolls and a bowl of chicken salad from the refrigerator and she kicked the door savagely , so that it slammed shut with a protesting boom .
27 Just as the ‘ Verbivore ’ phenomenon is caused through a flattening or levelling of the modulations of air waves , so the hierarchy of narrative levels is ‘ flattened ’ such that it becomes impossible in any given instance to determine whose account we are reading or whose mind we are supposedly ‘ inside ’ .
28 Where the board can effectively determine its own composition it has generally been assumed that it becomes immune from direct shareholder influence and hence that control has shifted from the owners to managers .
29 It is only when a living organism dies that it becomes subject to the laws of the non-living world , and disintegrates into simpler and simpler molecules or components .
30 As a routine measure , you should open your dog 's mouth each week , so that it becomes used to this procedure .
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