Example sentences of "that in this [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It will be observed that in this approach we have not used cs ( which we have already found ) ; its introduction would spoil the simplicity of ( 2 ) .
2 But the fact that in this year he attended a party dressed as Dr Crippen suggests that there was a large element of conscious display and theatrical bravura in his creation of a character such as Harry .
3 ‘ I have to be careful what I say — I come from Poland and we are very outspoken in my country and I have noticed that in this country you people take offence very easily .
4 Under gentle pressure he conceded that Riddle had mentioned the possibility of marriage and said that in this circumstance he would want to make a fresh will . ’
5 I would suggest that in this society it is not only impossible but psychologically dangerous .
6 And I hope that in this discussion we start talking along those lines .
7 That is why Britain largely escaped enclave development and why we must augment Hobsbawm 's assertion that the home market " provided the broad foundations for a generalised industrial economy " , by adding that in this provision it was materially assisted by an overseas market for manufactured goods of a kind possessed by no other economy .
8 It should be noted that in this offence we are not dealing with the hypothetical by-stander .
9 He has to watch his step very carefully vis-à-vis the Russians but my guess is that in this instance they went too far .
10 The Distinguished Flying Cross ( DFC ) was established on the same date as the AFC , June 3 , 1918 , with the same basis except that in this instance it was for duty performed whilst flying on active operations against the enemy .
11 The clone marked with asterisks * spans a , r , b , so that in this instance it would be possible to remove the probe r without breaking the contig containing a and b .
12 But it is an astonishing fact , a revelation both of his independent power of creating an ordered system and of his limitations of vision , that in this work he never once referred to the work of his predecessor .
13 The validity of such first destination statistics as a general measure of graduate employment will be discussed in Chapter 3 , and it is important to note that in this case they did not cover the colleges/institutes of higher education , which produce significant numbers of ‘ arts ’ graduates who have relatively high unemployment rates .
14 However , the facts of this case do illustrate the injustice which could arise if Miss Marshall is correct in the admirable submissions which she has advanced on behalf of the landlord , to the effect that in this case he was entitled to resort to self-help .
15 ‘ Are you saying that in this case he 's playing a game of his own ? ’
16 But he is soon forced to the conclusion that in this case it is impossible to keep the aesthetic side entirely apart from the biographical .
17 Is it not also a fact that in this case it is clear that , if the Court of Appeal believes that he had no intention of flouting a court order and of putting himself above the law , that should be good enough for the rest of us ?
18 The schedules proved to be acceptable , Their major drawback was length , perhaps inseparable from comprehensiveness , and the fact that in this exercise they were not integrated with normal agency practice and statutory six-monthly reviews .
19 But I think that in this company I can dare to make a few observations without being thought altogether gaga .
20 ‘ If you 're going to stay with us , Antony , you 'll have to learn that in this household we do n't pay all that much attention to the courtesies .
21 I breakfast quickly , drinking several cups of tea , knowing that in this wind I need to avoid dehydration on the grind over the pass .
22 He was heard to say to Winner , ‘ You know , I feel that in this sequence I 'm running a bit too slowly .
23 The ITA decided that in this region it did not matter if the finance was not ‘ local ’ .
24 I have n't yet married and am not in a rush to do so , so I suppose that in this regard I am a disappointment to my father , though I 'm sure he understands that it would be unfair for me to marry with my present commitment to athletics .
25 The receiver is not , however , obliged to fulfil existing contracts and because of this it is claimed that in this regard he is better placed than the company which of course must stand by its contracts .
26 There can be little doubt that in this regard he is correct .
27 Sycorax saw that in this regard she had achieved her curse : for Kit too , Roukoubé was a mongrel whelp , the reminder of his weakness and Ariel 's strangeness .
28 Judges feel that in this process they have lost a privileged position which also helped to preserve their independence .
29 It is surely a powerful confirmation of his underlying concern with tragedy throughout the whole of 1871 that in this period we find , again and again , lengthy drafts and preliminary studies for one part or other of BT , but no other sizeable fragments ascribable to a " large " book " about Greece " and falling outside the actual book 's eventual range .
30 An excellent overview of organisational communication research written specifically with reference to the external organisational environment appears in a valuable compendium Handbook of organizational communication — a volume that in this context I am not ashamed to admit that I came across just by chance in a bookshop whilst looking for something completely different !
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