Example sentences of "that the [adj] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 When we worked it out as an average that the sheer monitoring and chasing quotes or following up quotes erm and just preparing the documentation , we were n't convinced that was the case at all .
2 One accepts , of course , that the sheer volume and intractability of the subject matter render resort to delegated legislation to some degree inevitable ; but , by the same token , those very factors of volume and intractability almost necessarily involve a degree of perfunctoriness in parliamentary scrutiny .
3 Thus it was in the period of the Welsh court poets ( the Gogynfeirdd ) , at a time of severe political crisis under the encroachments of English power in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries , that the strictest regulation and formalization ( in most people 's opinion , also , the isolation and specialization ) of the rules of poetic composition can be found .
4 In the first chapter I argued that the fact that the Scots settlers and the Irish natives were respectively Calvinists and Roman Catholics had profound consequences for the development of social conflict .
5 Indeed I think that the the the present secretary of state for whom I have great respect and regard , I think he would be very well advised to think again , because I think that the temporary derision that he would meet in the House of Commons would be nothing as compared with the the er the wounding that he will sustain later if and when things go wrong with these proposals .
6 the perfect adaption of the internal arrangements of the new India Office to the requirements of the Secretary of State for India in Council , Mr. M. Digby Wyatt 's experience be made available , and that the necessary designs and plans be accordingly prepared by him and Mr. Scott in communication with each other .
7 Authorities will wish to attract them to their area , and ensure that the necessary infrastructure and services are there to receive them .
8 Indeed it is our intention that the necessary repair and improvement work on the halls and associated offices will largely be carried out by our own team with a view to reducing costs and encouraging the use of practical gifts of time and skills .
9 It is in everyone 's interest to fill out these forms accurately at the outset so that the necessary deductions and exemptions can be made .
10 The difference between a more conventional company and an incorporated contract computer programmer/analyst is merely that the former can and does respond simultaneously to a multiplicity of orders which partly overlap and partly succeed one another .
11 And so it was envisaged that the former coaling and oiling stations of Gibraltar , Malta , Port Said , Suez , Aden , Bombay , Colombo , Penang , Singapore and Hong Kong would become air staging posts as well in the post-imperial era .
12 A jury 's been told that the former manager and chairman of Swindon Town cheated the taxman in an effort to improve the club 's playing staff .
13 He said that the hi-tech device and other equipment found , such as nets , snares and digging gear , proved the men were after badgers .
14 ‘ to pass ahead of the foremost part of another moving motor vehicle , being a vehicle proceeding in the same direction wholly or partly within that area ’ This phrase means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass ahead of a slower moving motor vehicle travelling in the same direction .
15 ‘ to pass ahead of the foremost part of a stationary vehicle on the same side of the crossing as the approaching vehicle , the stationary vehicle having stopped to accord precedence to a foot passenger ’ This phrase is the alternative offence to point number 6 and means that the offending vehicle or part of it must pass a stationary vehicle as opposed to a moving motor vehicle in point 6 .
16 ‘ If a person presenting or directing the performance is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , it is a defence for him to prove — ( a ) that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that the performance would involve the use of the offending words or behaviour , or ( b ) that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that the offending words or behaviour were threatening , abusive or insulting , or ( c ) that he did not know and had no reason to suspect that the circumstances in which the performance would be given would be such that racial hatred would be likely to be stirred up . ’
17 ‘ It is clear that the investment-led recovery that the Government wants will require the full national recovery programme that Labour is proposing . ’
18 The growing gap now means that the elderly people or their relatives must find that difference .
19 In these organisations there is a high risk that the self-fulfilling prophecy and expectation syndrome will dominate both the teacher 's and the child 's view .
20 In connection with that , I wonder if you have thought of Vico 's history of the primitive races — of his idea that the ancient gods and later heroes are personifications of the fates and aspirations of the people rising in figures from the common mind ?
21 Stupidly , I presumed that the ancient axiom that females were put on this planet for purely decorative purposes or that being pretty ( or perhaps a spot of procreation ) were the pinnacles of achievement had forever died out alongside the bustle and/or the bubble car .
22 One may on the other hand consider that the ancient traditions and methods of training for the Bar are worthy of preservation .
23 I understand , too , that the poor migrainee when under attack has tremendous difficulty in hearing and seeing the normal , outside world .
24 The main reason for this is that the simple plan and elevation of the original cathedral have become obscured by later work , for the cathedral was being continuously added to , altered and developed from the eleventh to the sixteenth century .
25 I think that the simple answer that it 's you , the media , who decide whether an event is a disaster by the way in which you report it .
26 In the end , logic appears to demand that the right of recovery should require neither mistake nor compulsion , and that the simple fact that the tax was exacted unlawfully should prima facie be enough to require its repayment .
27 ‘ It was , perhaps , appropriate that the bereaved fiancee and husband should find mutual consolation although no one who has seen the beautiful Barbara Berowne could suppose that the marriage was merely a matter of fraternal duty . ’
28 It has been suggested that the cyclic AMP and InsP 3 messenger pathways may interact with each other to enhance odorant discrimination .
29 It 's possible that the increased understanding that we now have of miocenia gravis will help us to understand more about diseases such as multiple sclerosis which are , unhappily , much more common than miocenia gravis .
30 Trebor management feels that the increased challenge and shop-floor decision making have improved attitudes to the job , the factory and the company .
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