Example sentences of "that they [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The message that they brought to each doorstep , however , required revision several times during the programme .
2 Empowering local communities , that 's what really frightens the Tories , because what it means is they 'll never be able to come back with those repressive and regressive policies that they brought in two years ago .
3 They were busy packing a basket with the things that Sigarup would need , talking quietly , moving back and forth between the two rooms : collecting blankets , cooking pots , a bag of wheat flour , salt and chilli , the cotton tarpaulin that they stretched across upright sticks to make a tent .
4 One is led to ask whether it is the attention to and general nature of such claims that first needs explaining , especially when it appears that they derive from such a specific social group , namely those in a western academic sub-culture who could arguably be said to have their own interests at stake .
5 The answer to the question whether motivation arousal patterns derive from one 's past or from the situation in which one finds oneself is that they derive from both .
6 All the same , solitary bucks — if they can find no existing holes to make use of — will sometimes scratch out short tunnels for shelter , although it is not work that they tackle at all seriously .
7 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
8 African countries would be well advised to refuse many of the pesticides that they receive for free , according to a scientist from the US Environmental Protection Agency .
9 The good standing of the exams , and thus — in the long run — of the profession itself , depends heavily on individuals ' willingness to put something back into the qualification from which they have benefited , and on the support that they receive in this endeavour from their employing organisations .
10 It is to the shame of this Tory government that er er our senior citizens have to struggle to feed and clothe themselves and to try to keep warm , and as inadequate pensions that they receive from this government if you compare the way in the other European countries what they get and what the British government gives to our old age pensioners , our senior citizens they 're more they 're worse off than actually second class citizens .
11 It is known that the Lombard King Alboin brought his army and then his people on to the plain in 568 , and that they met with little resistance as the Goths had almost vacated the area by that time .
12 Some still retained private property as is evidenced by the fact that they met in private houses and that they would sell their assets if people were seen to be in need .
13 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
14 Their two boys of three and five would be eating Jaffa cakes for breakfast , lunch and supper if their parents did n't insist that they eat up most of what is put in front of them .
15 They fly home today without any punishment over our exposure of Aqib 's ball doctoring or Lamb 's revelation that they cheated during last weekend 's one-day international .
16 The authors were asked to review the current state of the art in their fields with particular reference to the likely requirements of the future policy issues agenda in terms of the demands that they make on geographic information management .
17 There are important differences between the chapters in this part both in the nature of the demands that they make on geographic information and also in the relative importance that is attached to geographic criteria as against other issues by planners and decision-makers in these fields .
18 While societies do themselves construct devices for specialising and separating out levels of meaning , this does not mean that they ever achieve in reality the claims that they make about such discourse .
19 I did tell him , however , that the older boys — and I was form-master of the modern sixth — were keenly interested in what was going on in modern literature , but that they seemed to some extent cushioned against modern life in their ignorance , which was almost total , of such currents of thought as Marxism .
20 Secondly , the SIB has been given the power to designate rules and regulations issued by it in relation to conduct of business , financial resources , client money or unsolicited calls , so that they apply to all authorized persons .
21 Clauses 12 and 13 of Precedent 1 rely on the principles in that discussion to pass the test of reasonableness , and are drafted in such a way that they apply to all types of breach however caused ( including by reason of wilful default ) .
22 ‘ In the light of these realities , is it really reasonable to expect the police to apply to the Irish population in this country the presumption of innocence that they apply to other citizens ?
23 Epithets such as " naughty " or " dirty " , or their implication , may result not only in a general feeling of unworthiness in the child but also in a sense that they apply to anal-genital matters as a whole .
24 They were considered so remarkable that many people , biologists among them , were unable to believe that they arose through natural selection .
25 But of course , the ‘ life from space ’ hypothesis does not answer the question of how the very first organic molecules arose ; and it seems at least as likely that they arose on primitive Earth as elsewhere .
26 wilko knows about tore but leeds has shown no interest in him other than saying that they know about this player .
27 No less than three supporters , all before opening time , have told me that they know for certain that a League chairman has been watching me in recent weeks .
28 I was much more impressed by Mr. Kasner 's evidence than by that of Mr. Mahmoud , but I do not think that they differ on any material point .
29 When these representations are studied in detail it turns out that they differ from each other in a number of important ways ( Maunsell and Newsome 1987 ) .
30 The grammatical similarity of this to talk of a person feeling , say a pin in his foot might lead one to suppose that pains are in parts of one 's body in the same way as pins , wounds and broken bones , are in parts of one 's body ; that is , that they differ from these latter only in being invisible , intangible , and so on : they are the proper objects of the sense of pain .
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