Example sentences of "that on a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is likely , therefore , that on a major route to the north he was on a duty connected with road-works or perhaps travel arrangements for the governor .
2 Brown had , very incautiously , said some things at a private dinner party that on a literal construction would have implicated the Labour Party in a rather nasty intrigue .
3 Kings boss Chris Kelly added : ‘ I did n't want to play at all and feel that on a neutral ground with our display against Peterborough we could have pulled off a shock win .
4 In attempting to weight the relative importance of these individual variables some observers , despite the countervailing evidence , would maintain that on a world-wide basis economic forces have had only a limited influence in shaping bargaining structures ( Beaumont et al . ,
5 I have to admit that on a good day I find little at all wrong with the prospect of a ride in a new BMW , and Patterson was obviously well-pleased with his material rewards of Yuppiedom .
6 On a five-year conventional Eurobond , fees might be 1.25 per cent of the total issue amount , yet banks would be lucky to see one eighth per cent ( and that on a good deal ) once discounts had been allowed to buyers of the bonds .
7 Some preliminary work to be published by the investigators indicates that on a small sample of 17 companies , current cost accounting information has an impact on stock prices .
8 I wonder when I will learn that on a long walk in a single unchanging direction , one will automatically go home with a left leg sporting first-degree burns and a right limb like a piece of white Italian veal ?
9 Although today these vital units of the railway system are being phased out by the modern fully automated control centres , there still remains the lonely , isolated signal box , often miles from anywhere , that on a dark winter 's night can conjure up strange happenings and instil fear even in the heart of the most level-headed signalman .
10 Strategist Nicholas Knight believes that on a two-year view shares are a buy .
11 So it was that on a golden autumn evening , towards mid-September of 1937 , I came to write my -30- to a career of journalism cum radio , and sat watching the flatness of the prairies give way to rising foothills as the twin-engined CPR ‘ Dominion ’ crawled westward up the slopes of the mountain .
12 He concluded that on a correct analysis the taxpayer 's operations which generated the relevant profits were operations carried on in and from Hong Kong .
13 Allowing the Crown 's appeal , and dismissing the taxpayer 's cross-appeal , Lord Justice Scott said that on a first reading of s 72 it was natural to read subsection ( 4 ) as one of a group of subsections dealing only with cases where the amount of capital distribution was comparatively small .
14 It was so insultingly different from the embrace he had seen her allow Underwood earlier in the day , that on a mad impulse he made a clumsy grab at her , and pulled her towards him , with a hollow imitation of a roguish laugh .
15 He avoided travelling , and if he had to fly , he went only on charter flights , for fear that on a scheduled airline his name would show up on computers that could be tapped by Iran Air officials .
16 You feel at first that on a bad day ( there are quite a few ) Patrick might give it one of the kicks that the novelist seems about to direct at his readers .
17 Erm now it may be that on a particular site erm conditions could be laid down to ensure and secure that there were significant employment benefits accruing from the development of that site .
18 It is interesting to note that on a descending value of energy , maize is greatest followed by barley , followed by oats .
19 Like one that on a lonesome road doth walk in fear and dread , Tasha sang on her Ancient Mariner Mambo album , and having once turned round walks on , and turns no more his head ; because he knows a frightful fiend doth close behind him tread .
20 Hospitals reported that on a single day ( Oct. 24 ) four civilians had been killed and more than 100 injured .
21 This applies when the words are so wide that on a strict construction they cover improbable and unlikely events .
22 So that on a monthly basis we will tell you if you 're on target , checking your watch , you 're below target , you 're above target .
23 I was in command of a heavily laden Stirling which was renowned for the fact that on a cold night the engines took a long time , even with the grills closed , to warm up .
24 He even made a number of slips and repetitions that on a different evening he would have been quick to reprimand in others .
25 In proceedings involving another such operator the House of Lords had held that on a proper construction of the relevant legislation there was no liability to pay the duty .
26 Is he aware that on a previous occasion when such an attempt was made , the miscreant — an imposter named Lambert Simnel , who attempted to steal the red rose from King Henry VII — was not only defeated but sentenced to serve as a scullion in the royal kitchens ?
27 Mr Johnson said that on a previous occasion , Mr Chittenden had asked him to deliver flowers to her in her office .
28 What happens is that on a high speed reach there is so much sideways pressure on the skeg that an area of low pressure around the skeg sucks air down and creates an air pocket around the fin. , therefore making it useless .
29 They say that on a clear day you can see the Isle of Harris .
30 Nor would Nevton any better understand that on a deeper level he had tried to force Hope into himself or force himself in Hope and , despite initial success , discovered a fierce resistance .
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